Oil Cooler for 7ECA (O-235)


New member
Hey Everyone,
Just wondering if anyone out there that has put an oil cooler on their 7ECA knows if there is an STC for it? Thanks.


You don't nead an STC. ACA sells an oil cooler kit to retrofit a cooler to those 7ECAs which did not leave the factory with one. I installed one on my '74.

Hi Ron,
Thanks for replying, I spoke with American Champion and they said there is no STC, to make it legal I need to get Field Approval (337) when I install the oil cooler on the engine. Has anyone gone the 337 route on here? Thanks.


I believe what ACA was trying to tell you was that you don't need an STC as the new aircraft leave the factory with an oil cooler installed(part of the TC). All you have to do is purchase the same parts from ACA that they use on production aircraft and install them on yours.
A 337 is required for your logs only to describe the modification to your aircraft, you do not need FAA approval for your 337, just a sign off by a qualified mechanic.

Hi Ron,
I understand there is no STC required, the new ones leave the factory with oil coolers, but are different engines than mine. I have a 0235-C1 in my 7ECA, I think they have K2C in the new ones, not totally sure. The 337 has to go through the FAA to get approval, a mechanic cannot just sign it. Do you know what data your mechanic used to send to the FAA, or who your mechanic used at the FAA? Thanks.


What year is your 7ECA? I also have the C1 engine and no FAA approval was needed for our installation, just a log book entry and a information 337.
This is probably a question for Jerry Jr. if he is listening.


The oil cooler is mounted just as in the parts manual, on the left hand baffle.
Do you have a copy of the Type Certificate for the 7ECA? If not, you might want to download one from the FAA website. Unless I am sadly mistaken it will show that an oil cooler is legal.

Hi Ron,
I checked the Type Certificate for the 7ECA with a 235-C1, there is no oil cooler listed, meaning I would need the 337 since there is no STC. I talked to a couple of mechanics and they both have said that I need to file a 337 with the FAA. Do you have a copy of the 337 your mechanic had done, this would help get me started with the paperwork to install one? Thanks.

Hehe, don't trust the TCDS.

The oil cooler is not specifically approved for the O-235-C1; only the -K2C. Basically, they are on different engine installation prints.
However, many people have gotten field approvals based on the similarity. You might talk to your IA about it; it should not be hard. (Notice I said 'should'...its FAA we're talkin here)

7-1530 is the -K2C installation and can just be directly compared to the live airplane or the Parts Manual. You might start by buying that print. Its applicable to the 7ECA; so its not really a stretch. If you get a hold of other people's 337 you should be gold on that too.

Clear as mud again.
Thanks for the info Jerry, I really appreciate it.

Does anyone on here have a copy of the 337 paperwork they used to put the oil cooler in their 7ECA? Thanks.
