Oil Filter Adapter


New member
Has anyone put the B&C Model 700 BC Lyc oil filter adapter on a 7ECA with the 115 C1 engine. It looks awful tight to me in regards to the height and having room to hook the tach cable up. It is on page 266 of the Spruce Catalogue. Or does anyone know of a spin on adapter that will work that is not remotely mounted.

Thanks Harry
I don't have a oil filter on my ECA, altho I thought hard and long about it, I chose to install a oil cooler instead and change the oil every 25 hours. I would not try to talk anyone out of installing an oil filter, I just made my choice considering weight, cost, available room under the cowl, and which would do the most good for my engine.
I just ordered one and have the same plane and engine as you do, I will post the results as soon as I install the adapter. I should be finished by the end of next week.

I just installed the B&C Specialty oil filter adapter on my Citabria 7ECA, 0-235 C1 and it fits great. The clearance between the filter and the cowling is approx. 1/2 inch, doesn't need to be any more.
Looking at the applications for the B&C Model BC700 in my Aircraft Spruce catalog, I don't see the O-235 C1 listed. Was that an oversight or am I missing something? I'd also like to install something like that. Much easier to deal with oil changes than taking out the screen.


The B&C oil filter adapter is designed to fit the 0-235 Lycoming, my just happens to be the C1. You will also use the CH4808-1 oil filter. :wink:

I forgot to give you the following web site:


This will give you all the information on the adapter.
pdxdaily said:
I don't have a oil filter on my ECA, altho I thought hard and long about it, I chose to install a oil cooler instead and change the oil every 25 hours. I would not try to talk anyone out of installing an oil filter, I just made my choice considering weight, cost, available room under the cowl, and which would do the most good for my engine.
Sounds like a wise choice. I have not flown my A/C in hot weather yet. Around 60 degrees tops so, I am expecting some high oil temps when it get warn in TN. Thanks for your reply.
montyj said:
I just installed the B&C Specialty oil filter adapter on my Citabria 7ECA, 0-235 C1 and it fits great. The clearance between the filter and the cowling is approx. 1/2 inch, doesn't need to be any more.

Monty, have they got the STC approved yet?
montyj said:
Yes, the stc paperwork comes with the adapter, first rate company.

Thanks Monty, can you give me the price and the link to the company too. I tried to copy and paste the one you posted the other day and it did not work.
The web site is bandcspecialty.com. The price I believe was $440.00 plus shipping, it includes a filter and all the paperwork. It is cheaper if you buy the one for non-certified aircraft, however if you have a Citabria I would buy the certified one.

montyj said:
The web site is bandcspecialty.com. The price I believe was $440.00 plus shipping, it includes a filter and all the paperwork. It is cheaper if you buy the one for non-certified aircraft, however if you have a Citabria I would buy the certified one.


Thanks Monty!!!