Oil filter add-ons for older Citabria


New member

I am new to the forum but old to the club. Please forgive any cybergaffs or mistakes. I HAVE A 1967 cITABRIA 7gcbc with Lyc O-320-A2B. Would like to finally change from the screen to one of the oil filter add-ons but wanted to get some recommendations from the flock. Who out there has switched to the Airwolf remote filter or the B&C product and what experiences have you had, good or bad? Any other options out there I don't know about? I'll take any and all recommendations. Thanks!

Rob Lynn
I installed an Airwolf filter on my 7ECA. I went to the Airwolf because the engine mount--I run an 0-200 Continental--would not allow any of the spin-on fliters room to fit. The Airwolf has worked just fine and I am very happy with it. It was simple to install--attached to the firewall--and it is very easy and drip/mess-free to change the filter. No negative points that I can discover.

I too have a '67 7GCBC with the 0-320A2B, would you mind sharing the serial number of the plane with me? Mine is #4.

To Scaramonga: yes sir, My serial number is 23. "Miss Moneypit" and I reside in West Virginia. If you are close maybe we can visit.
To Principal: Thanks for the info on the Airwolf Oil filter. Did you mount yours on the left or right side of the firewall, and is the mounting position specified in the STC? With the oil cooler on one side and voltage regulator (I've still got the generator) on the other, there is not much room to install the remote filter. Can you estimate the footprint size of the mounting bracket? thanks.

Rob Lynn
Dear Rob:

Please note that Principal has a 7ECA w/O-200; your installation would be completely different. My suggestion (2 cents worth) is to look at both the B&C (http://www.bancdc.info) and Casper Labs(http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/eppages/noslipoilfilter.php) filters, as they are both "full-flow"; i.e., no additional hoses.
