
Phillips 20-50 XC & have been using it for 25 years in both my Cherokee 140 and Champ 65 horse with "zero" problems. Personally (in my humble opinion) I see no reason to use a straight weight oil. I know there are others who will disagree, but that's been my experience. However, I do change oil at around 20-25 hours as I often don't put a lot of time on during the year.

Mike Berg
In my opinion :roll: , oil additives are a waste of money and, again there may be others who disagree, but I've never found them to be of much use. A good quality oil, changed at regular intervals is all that you should need. The oil should have whatever additive package is required to meet specifications for Continental, Lycoming, etc. anyway.

Mike Berg
The only time I would add anything is if I was running an A-65 thru C-85, then I would put a small amount of Marvel Mystery Oil or similar UCL in. The valves on the smaller Continentals do stick a bit and it definitely helps. The rest is expensive snake oil that can easily be covered with more regular oil changes of good quality single weight or multigrade oil.

If you swap from single weight to multigrade - expect a good clean out in the first few hours - it is thinner and the detergents seem to do a better job than W80 or W100.

I run my '79 GCBC on Shell 15/50 - no problems so far.
Purchased a 7AC last spring and ran single grade up until the last change when I switched to 15-50 AeroShell. Talk to me about what a cleanout wouled look like. I know I have seen some gunk that looked kinda like brown foam come from the vent hose when the plane was put back in the hanger after a flight.
Hi I switched my 0-200 from Phillip XC to Aeroshell 15W50 1.5 yrs ago and didn't find anything in the oil screen or otherwise. Yeas Aeroshell 15W50 is a thinner oil/the viscosity is 15 but here again my engine did not leak any oil and oil temps went down as did oil consumption, the engine had 1000+ hr SMOH. The fellow I purchased the aircraft from used Phillips for approx 600 hrs, and I now have 130+ hrs since the switch and it runs better all the time (most likely because I fly it more and regularly).
I have heard this story about switching to full synthetics also and have never found any of it to be true. Now if and engine has be setting for 15 years and had only been run on straight mineral oil and has lots of hrs then anything is possible.
I don't really have much to report except that I decided to use Phillips X/C. It has a certain level of popularity at my local airport. Anyway, no issues with it thus far.
mike newall said:

If you swap from single weight to multigrade - expect a good clean out in the first few hours - it is thinner and the detergents seem to do a better job than W80 or W100.


I did get something of a brown foam-looking liquid dripping from the vent hose after switching to 15-50. Have only flown a couple times since the switch and it may subside. Is that what you mean by a "good clean out?"
Exxon Elite 20-50, which I buy online by the case. Very happy. I'd elect Aeroshell 20-50 as a fallback strictly because it's available damn near everywhere. But, yes, definitely multi-grade.

Jim Robins
Should I be concerned about the teaspoon or so of brown foam-liquid trhat drains from the vent upon landing?
Hi, NO every engine has some coming out the breather, sounds like mostly water vapor condensing thus the foam, really has nothing to do with the type of oil your using.
Agree, the stuff coming from the breather is mostly water/oil ix.

You may find the oil goes black quick as it cleans alll the oil ways. I hovered for ages before going to multigrade but am now convinced. We have run our cars on it for decades and don't give it a thought.