Ok, time for YOU to help me instead. Need 7ECA O-200 mount.


New member
Bellanca tossed the tooling for the 7-1207 engine mount many years ago. Sure, we got all the prints, but would like a GOOD physical specimen to confirm dimensions then craft tooling from.

This was the mount they used on O-200 7ECA's. Around 1967, they went to the Lycoming and did not look back.

a 7EC mount 4-884 might work even better.

Already called Wag Aero. Mike said they got nadda.

Have one in your garage?
Know someone using one as a plant stand?
Anyone else with a PMA?
Basically, someone with a project who has converted away from the O-200.
A good salvage yard?
I sure wish I could help you. I'm looking for one myself.

I will, though, be happy to help you sell one (to me), assuming you decide to go with the 7-1207.

Good luck.

My son and I were talking about the O200 you guy's are going to install on the sportplane. We fly a 7AC converted to a 7CCM from time to time for an older gentleman here. It dosen't have electric start nor does it have a place on the accessory case for a starter. It's my understanding that the engine mount has to be changed as well as the accessory case to install electric start. Will the mount that is going to be used the same as the mount that would fit the Champ. If yes, what do you think would be involved in converting from the 90 to 100 HP. Just curious!!!!

Well, the key mount difference is.....2 inches.
I don't know how this will translate for getting things to fit inside your old cowl. I know the C90 and O-200 are basically the same, but you'll have to talk with contintental on the details of what turns it into another model.