
New member
Had a wonderful talk with an "Old Timer" this morning who wandered into the FBO just to talk about "back when he was a pilot". First of all, that could be really scarey since I probably qualify for that category in the eyes of most pilots these days. Second of all, I knew of or had flown most of the planes he wanted to talk about. Yikes!

Anyway, he looked at my wall of Bellanca ads that I've collected over the years and commented that I was missing a great one. When he discribed it I realized it was the first ad I remember seeing (1959 or 1960) and it would be really cool to have one. It was a 1/2 or 1/3 page ad the full height of the page. It's of a Crisemaster going darned near straight up with only a small comment at the bottom about performance.

Anyone seen one? Know where I could get a suitable for framing copy of it?
I have seen this ad on Ebay...."Bellanca." You pay $5 for one page ripped from a magazine.
However, you can rework this page into a nice photo or poster for a few bucks more.
I just copy them from the internet, blow them up, and call it good.
All the stuff being sold is public domain now anyway.
The Ad is called Get-up and Go!. It shows a 1958 Bellanca Cruisemaster 14-19-2 N9812B going vertical about 70 degrees. It has a whole lot of inflated numbers at the bottom of the page, speed etc. It also says you can get a free color brochure. I have looked for years for that with no luck. Sad to report that N9812B is now a Cessna 182 based in Franklin PA (FKL). I do the SAT check on it every two years.
What is also neat about the ad is the price only $17,950. The way things are going in general aviation, it won't be long before the crate would sell for that!! Good Grief :shock: Lynn
I'll keep an eye out.
Maybe a search for a magazine from the time frame will get you one.

Piles of old aviation publications end up there all the time.

good luck
For years I searched for an original add for the Koppers Company Bellanca, hoping that it would show it painted as an Aeromatic ad. My first Bellanca project was the original Koppers company Cruisair, and I had dreams of restoring it as a flying ad. I even found the Koppers Company historian that lent me some old magazines, but the only ads just showed the nose of the plane. As most projects go, I never finished it and sold it about a year ago to a fellow that is getting close to its first flight in many years. Maybe we should have a photo gallery here on our web site, so we could post interesting pictures, ads, etc? Just a thought. _____Grant.