Old Bellanca pictures and past ads


New member
Does anyone have, or know of, the Cruisemaster ad from 1959 that showed a (new!) Cruisemaster going up at a very extreme angle. As a 13 year old I thought that was just the coolest picture and it started my life long passion for the triple tails. That fall I also saw two Bellancas leaving a county airshow (grass field and all) in Bucks County, PA in loose formation that was pretty spectacular and even impressed my pilot father with their performance. I'd truly love to have a copy of that ad to hang on the wall.
I have a copy of that adv. My Spartan friend doctored it to be N9818B. The price was $17950 for the Cruisemaster,the adv, is N9848B I think. You can get it from Robert at the club.I keep the original in the plane so I will check.It is a picture of a 1958 -2 going almost vertical GET-UP and GO! is the title. The crate right now it is up on jacks so I can do some touch up work on the bottom fuselage fabric and anti collision light. Lynn the crate
A gentleman gave me two binders full of Bellanca ad's and articles. Mostly but not exclusive Vikings.

Tell me more, I may have a copy.
No where near a extreme angle but is it called; Brand New and Beautiful? Flying Magazine March 1959?
Looks like it's a 2 pager.


Google Books has a slightly higher quality scan:


Wish I could go back and stop all the people who cut up my panel quite so badly over the years; the one in the picture looks so clean :).
Good information. Thanks to all. I thought I had asked Bob but I'll definitely get in touch; I LOVE that picture and the memories!

TW,I got the crate off the jacks and found the picture. It is N9812B going vertical 1958 adv out of Flying mag. FYI N9812B is now a Cessna 182 based in Franklin, PA. The Bellanca was destroyed. I have been trying for years to find a color brochure mentioned in the vertical adv. no luck the adv in Flying is black and white. I also have another 1958 Bellanca adv from Flying showing people pushing a new -2 out the factory door. I believe it too was 12B.If you can't find one give me an address and I will make a Xerox copy. Lynn the crate :shock:
Pilot Report
Private Pilot February 1974
Vintage Bellanca

Sorry - The file is too big, maximum allowed size is 1 MiB.

You'll need a VikingPilots account to see the file here: http://www.vikingpilots.com/showthread.php?3985-1974-Private-Pilot-February-Vintage-Bellanca-N6585N-was-just-uploaded-by-VPAdmin
That would be great!

Scott Thomas
558 Hangar Road
Hillsville, VA 24343
Thank you VERY much.

I spent years trying to find an add that showed the Koppers Company Bellanca 14-13. I owned it and wanted to restore it, and thought that it may have been painted up as an Aeromatic advertisement. I wanted to paint it up in the original company colors. I never could find a photo that showed the plane from the side. I wonder if anyone has ever seen photos of that plane. I sold the project a couple of years ago and it is up and flying again. I recently saw a post on the Stinson forum from a fellow that used to own the Koppers Company Stinson. I love the Aeromatic history. ____Grant.