Oldest CruiseMaster


New member
Bob Goodman,
Serial Number 4001 is registered in your name. Is it flying?
I just got off the phone with Alexandria, and 4001 was the first CruiseMaster off the factory floor.
Kinda cool.
well, not today. it was poor flying weather here in alabama today. if you look back you can read about my adventure this summer to retrieve it from seattle, where it sat for nearly 40 years, and fly it home.

it was a blast, the resurrection and the trip home.

but it's licensed and flying. last week i took it to florida for a quick trip.

the motor is strong, and not using oil. it was pickled all that time, and it cranked after 2 shots of primer on about 2 blades. i got all the hydraulic leaks fixed, and a new panel installed. cosmetics is next. all i have done so far in that line is some minor fabric repair, and resprayed dope on the leading edge where i flew through some light hail on the way home. oh, i also did some interim work on the interior so i could use it until i make some improvements. i intended to work on it this winter, but i am having too much fun flying it. there are some pictures around.

it is a great plane. it flies like a 4 place rv7. i am very happy with it. my friend who owns a viking wants to trade. he learned to fly in a cruisair and thinks the cruisemaster is a big improvement in handling qualities. they changed the way the ailerons work.

oh, along with all the papers and stuff the old owner, don vaughn gave me, was an article in popular mechanics about the process of making the first cruisemaster, with pictures.
Actually, the first Cruisemaster built is s/n 2002, N6550N, a 14-19. It still existed as of a few years ago, although it is deregistered at this time.

I own s/n 2001, my 1941 T-14-14. Go figure GM's use of serial numbers.

Obviously Adam meant oldest 14-19-2 as of serial numbers mentioned :)
And what is the newest one ?
Different sources are arguing on the highest serial of 14-19-2 to be 4104 or 4105.
I do own and fly #4100.
Are there any flying 14-19-2's in 4101-4105 range ?

Ivan Postnikov
All these airplanes exist. 4101, I flew in years ago is in Idaho, 4102 is in the UK, 4103 attended the Bellanca Fly-in a couple years back, is in Arizona. 4104 is in Texas and 4105 is in Alaska.

I did indeed mean oldest 14-19-2.
I guess I always mentally catalog the straight 14-19 as an orphan stuck between the cruisairs and cruisemasters, although it is obviously much closer genetically to the cruisemasters.