

New member
i thought i would start a new thread about this. i probably will not be able to come to meet early at watertown on friday, and will fly up sunday, weather permitting. i've never been before so i would much rather come in a group, but i just can't stay that long, and if i leave here on friday i would have to leave monday or tuesday.

maybe i will get close on sunday and fly in early monday, if that sounds like a good plan. i have some people to stay with while there, but if you all know where we are going to be parked, maybe we can meet up there.
Hi Bob... it will be great to visit with you and your -2 in OSH. Generally the Bellanca folks do not represent a large enough group to be assigned group parking so you will likely need to park where they direct you to park. Even if we did apply for a group parking area it would be far, far away from the main action. If you do plan to fly all the way to OSH please take the time to study the special notam: https://eaa.org/en/airventure/eaa-fly-in-flying-to-oshkosh/eaa-airventure-oshkosh-notam and also I recommend that you watch many of the youtube videos which talk about the arrival procedures (some of which have changed for this year). It can get very hectic, but the ATC guys are amazing in how well they handle the traffic. I have asked Robert Szego to let us know when the maintenance forum and the dinner are scheduled. --Rob
I’ll try to post our row here on the forum after we get parked. In the past our arrival time would put us in the vicinity of The Tall Pines Cafe, Parking is on a first come basis so the best projection I can make is they will park our formation as a group.

BTW, about 2/3 of the Bellanca/Champion Club participants of past EAA fly-ins were 1st time experiences. We alway have a great mix of insight and experience to share. We all made friend that will last a lifetime and look forward to doing it again! Some of the best times are had in the social settings that exists before the commercial part of the show starts in Monday.
I arrived last year on Saturday around 11:00am and somehow miraculously came through the Ripon Arrival unscathed, but slightly shaken, on my first try. Arriving Saturday, midday, I was directed to parking about 3,200 feet (measured) south of the Tall Pines Cafe, down just short of the mini-mart at the south end of the bus/shuttle route.

If this year turns out to be as popular as last year, even with the crappy weather, a Sunday arrival may send us far south.
I had the same experience as Jeff last year. This year’s new policy the EAA is not reserving space for cubs and other planes that may not show do to weather, ambitious planning, etc unless spots are pre-paid in advance for the full week. So experiences like Jeff’s and mine, were we had to taxi by a empty rows nearly a half mile, should not be repeated. Hope your making good progress on your plane Jeff. Look forward to you joining our formation!
i sure would like to come in with the group. maybe i will adjust me schedule to fit yours. i kind of planned to come up with a warbird guy i'm friends with, and his son. even though his plane is much faster it has small gas tanks and drinks gas like it was free. he will have to stop several times. maybe it will all work out, including the weather. i got the notam a few days ago and printed it off. sounds like i may be able to figure it out by eta.

I have been a little bit confused.

I somehow thought the triple tail mass arrival flight into KOSH from Watertown will be on Sunday the 21st.

WRONG - Event is to arrive Watertown on the 19th for mass flight to KOSH on Saturday the 20th.

And, according to the arrival procedure we still have to do the RIpon Arrival with possible holding around Green Lake. Having to maintain a group flight and hold around the lake sounds "interesting".

Please comment/confirm my interpretation.
Wisconsin Aviation is hosting a BBQ dinner Friday and is a excellent time. We will brief Saturday morning (July 20) at 1000 and start engines at 1100. ATC is expecting us. The flight has always gone smoothly and is fun. However, we will still prepare for the un-expected so if that happens we’ll still have fun.

". . . arrival procedures (some of which have changed for this year)." I have seen this info in posts on the VAF.

The NOTAM doesn't highlight the changes and I don't see them. Anything dramatic or not dramatic, what are the changes?
Page 12 is the major change that I see. The rest are minor tweaks and improvements. Robert posted the link for the NOTAM as well as our event above. Hope you find a way to join us for the fun time to show off our airplanes.
Sorry about forgetting to post our location in Oshkosh at row 144. The low wing forum is today (Wednesday) and club dinner tonight. Info is at the club booth in the Vintage hangar.
well i made it to osh, but i brought the rv instead of the bellanca. a friend was able at the last minute to go, and wanted to fly his rv7, so i took mine so i could keep up (and spend a lot less money buying gasoline). we got there thursday morning from alabama, and had a little tailwind and had a gs of about 210mph all the way. we stayed until sunday morning. i am an early riser, so i got up early and walked through all the airplanes every morning. i think i saw all the low wing bellancas, but i didn't get to meet any of you. i think there may have been more triple tails than vikings. it was close, anyway. i stayed with a friend who rented a trailer in the warbird lot. they were nice to me even though i don't have a warbird. they included me in on all the freebies they get - well some of them anyway.

flew back down the western shore of lake michigan on the way home, past chicago. got a great picture of me in front of chicago. i would post it but you've all probably seen enough pictures of rv8's.

i had a blast, went to 4 workshops and seminars every day, learned a bunch, strolled through all the vendors. drooled all over the dynon skyview, which is stc'd for us. if i had 20k, i think i would get one. but i don't.

i certainly plan to go next year if i can, and get there earlier. i read there were over 10,000 airplanes there. it was amazing.


ps, i lost my username and password for a while, robert sent me a new one, and so i am back.