OT: Question and answers about flying lower-48/AK/lower-48.


New member
Good morning all...
As the time approaches for:
I am starting to gear up to head there and (maybe) be the first Bellanca 14-13 to ever sign-up for the famous Valdez's 'short field landing competition'.

No, I am not as ambitious (or arrogant) as to think that I will beat the locals, I am very well aware that for me it is all about parading and selling lap dances... ;-)

But I have to get there first...
I've flown hundreds of VFR hours around the Rocky Mountains from MX to MT (many before or w/o GPS, chart and compass on hand) and I have flown just about anywhere within 150 SM of Anchorage (including laps around Mount McKinley at 17500 ft in a 165HP C-172, but that's a different story).

But I've never crossed to, or flow into, Canada.

Has anyone in here flown to AK before and can provide any pointers?
And to make this message more 'on topic', does anyone know about a Bellanca (like our Bellancas) shop in AK?
Ozzie Levi flew his Cruisair to Alaska from SoCal; there may be some record of his flight in the club history. He did a pretty good write up, as I remember.
better get real good at terrain flying, flying at or near minimums...
and figure you're gonna end up flying the alcan hiway.

good time to take some unusual attitude training.. if you aren't and aerobatic pilot already.

I'd take a spare tailwheel tire and some tubes for the mains.

btw... I got a Samsun Tab2 for $180 bucks at Costco.. and for $1.66 ( yup buck sixty six) each
got app from Sensorworks ( off google) that gives me "DG", Gyro Horizon, and Simulated VOR/DME
(Gps based). $45 bucks ( I think) got me an annoying but functional Garmin Pilot GPS.

the DG with ground track ( course made good) is priceless .

The "simulated VOR" with distance to station works just like a VOR but works at ANY DISTANCE
from the station....you could follow a course to zimbabwe if you wanted to.

There are gyro, and magnetic sensors IN the TAB2... not found in IPAD !

of course there are better GPS programs written for Ipad.. but since you use pilotage anyway..
if you dont have all these expensive ( and heavy !) instruments.. this is a great way to get them.

BTW.. I bought a garmin GLO gps unit.. only to find the TAB2 had both american and russian gps
recievef built in.. which works perfectly in our fabric covered airplanes ! So the glo is useless for me.

those guys in 150's/ 152's can take of and land 3 times in your best "short" field effort
in the 14-13.