Paint/temperature limitations


New member
Have a 2008 Super Decathlon. While reading on the internet I came across some cold weather operations from Mike Goulian's website. Specifically they do not allow acro with their 2008 Super Decathlon below 20F and won't allow it to fly < 5F due to a concern/risk of paint cracking. Anybody have any advise / expertise regarding this issue?
Technically, there is no limitation.

That said, its a decent precaution. It certainly can't hurt. They run a flight school; so the "who was flying" factor is there.
On a personal airplane, you can just monitor your own amount of abuse :)
I have flown my Scout in -40 F, When flying at that temp do not push on the fabric, paint will crack. I was more concerned about the breather freezing, one trick on the Scout is to turn off cabin heat, the hot air is expelled down the firewall and over the breather tube, helps melt the ice.