Painting the prop...


New member
I have a Sensenich metallic prop that I'd like to paint, does anybody what are the legalities of it? What are the potential pitfalls? Balance? How do I remove the old paint? Do I remove the old paint? Has anybody painted their metallic prop?
I have a very knowledgeable car shop to work with but, is it legal?
Urethane paint is pretty standard at the local prop shop for finishing aluminum props and blades now. If I get over there tomorrow, I'll get more details. He repitched a McCauley for me and told me to test it before he paints it.

Yeah, hanging more paint on one blade than the other could cause balance problems. So, skill laying the paint on will help there.

The standard aircraft way to get paint off aluminum is paint remover.

And one would want to be anal that there is no corrosion whatever before painting. If there are any pits near the meat of the blade, they need to be sanded out and that would be work for the prop shop.

IIRC AC43-13-1 shows re-contouring out stone dents and minor finishing of metal props as A&P territory . Everything beyond that would be prop shop. Maybe someone can comment

ya, what Ron said.

But, don't take stripper to your prop! at least not until you've verified it's an Sensenich-approved stripper being used according to their approved procedure.

in any case, if you're going to do it according to the regs, one way or another someone certified is going to have to be involved.

No one is going to bust you if all you're doing is putting some flat black Krylon on the blade faces where it's shiny but beyond that, take it to a prop shop. If it's still airworthy, you'll get back a prop is as-new condition all checked and signed off.
I tried using Tempo epoxy prop coating spray cans. The stuff is junk and A/C Spruce gave me my money back. I thought the 1st time I used it that maybe the stuff went bad no joy the second batch was the same crap. I found spray enamel works as well as any. Lynn the crate :roll: