Panel change


New member
After hours of searching for more space on my panel, I've started to think about a new panel.

I've got a '77 Decathlon with a low panel. Is it possible to switch out to a new type with more space (6-pack type)? Uninstall old and install a new one in its place. Could it be that easy? I'd probably keep my current instuments which are a hodge-podge of old and new.

Any suggestions or ideas would be great.


I prefer the low panel but also had a need for more panel stuff. I built a 'dog house" and mounted it on the floor between the rudder pedals. Enough room for a pair of 2 1/4 " guages on the bottom row (EGT/CHT scanner and Fuel Flow), a Loran C in the middle (soon to be changed out) and a transponder in the top row .
The dog house is about 14 inches deep 8 inches wide and 10 inches high at the front (facing pilot)and about 3 inches at the back near the firewall. THe face is angled about 30 degrees.
The shape fits beautifully with no inteferences anywhere. The top is vented with louvres and the right side has a hinged door to allow some access and inspection.

I'm planning to move my ADF down to the centre postion ( Loran is a useful relic but not needed anymore). A nice garmin 300xl is going up to the right side of the main panel where the ADF is / was.
Finally I'll have dual nav com with no need for portables and I can still practice inverted NDB holds!
It's certainly possible to change from a low panel to a high one. I recently changed the high panel in my 7ECA to a low one. It had more holes than it needed for the way I like to fly. A custom panel can look real nice if you have the aptitude, take your time and do it right.
I had the old panel type with the fake wood with the 3 1/4 inch holes on top and 2 1/2" holes on bottom. I just order a new style 6 pack type from American Champion with glare panel and the lower pc too. They told me staight swap out. Panel was like $180, glare panel was like $100 and the bottom pc where the mixure and stuff go was another $100. They came in black, gray and creme colors...

Got any pictures of that mod?? Did you do the fabrication? I don't know if I want to go that route or not, but it's certainly an option.


That's what I'm worried about. I don't want to change panels and then find out that I liked the old one better. Although, the newer panels aren't much higher than mine.


You'll have to let me know how that turns out. It sounds as though we've got the same panel. If the process is relatively painless, I may just go ahead and give it a shot. Keep in touch.

P.S. Welcome to the forum!!
Thanks..I will let you know how it goes and post some pics when done...I am also installing a vacuum system with a cagable AI. with full six pack of instruments. I have been trying to order my interior all morning from Airtex but just get voice mail....
Yes I built the doghouse and I'll take some photos for you. Since I've recently installed the Fue flow guage it's time for photo record update.
Hi I tried using but one must not be allowed to upload pics or else photobucket doesn't work with this forum, I also tried ImageShack with no luck. :D
Does anyone know off hand what it takes (minimum required equipment) for an aircraft to be IFR certified?

My guess:
pitot heat?
ADI (vacuum or electric? does it matter which? backup ADI?)
Nav equip
heading indicator?
"sensitive altimeter"

I might miss a few things but :

oil pressure
sensitive altimeter
fuel gauge
attitude indicator
manifold pressure
doesn't matter electric or vacuum on the AI/DG