Parachute recommendations

Curt Rausch

New member
Was wondering if anyone had any parachute recommendations for a late model (1999) Super D. Have tried a seat back type but was somewhat uncomfortable. Was thinking about either a Strong or National Seat Series next.
You may want to try Butler Parachutes. They have a wide variety of seat and chairback chutes. I have a chairback that works pretty well in my Citabria if I remove the seat cushion.

I spoke to a friend locally, Jeffersonville Indiana, and he has alot of parachute experience. I asked if I could compair notes with him before I bought one for my Citabria.

He amazed me regarding the different types of materail and the different safety issues related to each. If you have them repacked on schedule, he said some types show wear alot sooner than others.

If your interested email me at and I can connect you with him.
