Parts catalog

Unfortunately, there is no such thing. Some people use B20-161 Early Viking Parts Manual for reference, but Bellanca never documented the 14-19 series well.
I'll stand corrected on my last post. I have a letter from Harry Halstead, Parts Manager at Bellanca, dated 3-4-67, stating "...We do not have a parts manual..." The factory seemed to be willing to supply drawings for certain parts. I do have a 260A/B parts manual, but that is a substantially different airplane.
I was at Alexandria last month. The factory remains do have original engineering drawings for 14-19-2s and the folks in Alexandria Aircraft will pull out drawings for reference or questions if you ask nicely. Their policy is to not release copies of the drawings.
I found that Carroll at AAC has been the parts Guru. Every time I call he has come through for me. There are some parts that you just are not able to obtain. So give Carroll a call for all your parts needs. Sure beats the scrap yards like Wentworth. Wings covered working on fuselage belly! I press on LYNN N9818B always the CRATE :|
I like Russ's term "nicely." I've found that a kinder, gentler approach is better as well. Confrontatation and anger will reap no profits.