Pattern Airspeeds


New member
I just bought a 7GCBC and started flying again after a 20+ year break. My instructor is having me fly 80mph from abeam to final, then I slow to 70 and put in the rest of the flaps. That seems too fast to me. Am I off-base? Steve.

I have a 7GCAA (no flaps) and normal approach is to gradually slow to 70 mph on downwind, turn base, final and further slow to about 65. Of course this depends on the field, traffic, winds, etc. When flying into a large airport with long runways and fast following traffic, I can maintain 120 mph cruise until short final and still have plenty of time to slow.
Thanks guys! When I flew this morning, I slowed to 70 and put the flaps in as I went around, slowed to around 65 before the threshhold, and nailed my landings four times in a row. I really appreciate it!
No, not at all. I live in the interior of Alaska and base at a small, uncontrlled gravel strip. I keep my pattern tight, and once I have the runway made and I have full flaps, I cut the power and ease it in at 65 (when there's no wind). Stever.
I think your all crazy, anything above 55 on final is way to fast(should be on approach with a headwind, learn to fly your plane, cause with the proper angle you can fly your plane much slower, unless its gusty(MAYBE)). To know your stall speed, go up to 3000 feet and do some slow flight and stall it(should do this anyway, right, left , power off and on), If this is seems crazy, Stever I will take you for a few patterns in my 7GCBC and show you how slow you plane will fly.

Terry, AKA Cornbread