
I think you can do an adequate repair working from the top. It would help if the lower skin was original and in good condition. For the top, I'd like to use 6mm Finnish aircraft plywood. It is 5 to 7 ply and much stiffer
than domestic plywood.
You can give me a call tonight after 9pm PDT or after 7am. 253-631-5280.
The right wing walkway always takes a beating. Remember when these airplanes were built, almost 70 years
ago, the average US. male weighed 150 lbs. You have to keep all the 250+ lb. Wal-Martians from jumping
up on your airplane.
Just as a side note. All of the newer Bellancas mount the wing tanks from the bottom so the top skin runs from the forward spar to the tip of the wing walk. All one piece so no leaky tank tops to cause spar rot. Dan Tory once said that he does Cruisairs that way and if the tank needs removing he just cuts the top and re-glues it as needed. Having dismantled many Cruisairs, I have seen all manner of wing walk reinforcement. Some looked very good and some were just heavy pieces glued in for brute strength. Dan, where do you get the Finnish plywood? I need to redo my tank cover and stronger (less flexing) is better. _____Grant.
I can get it locally, in Tacoma. It is aircraft plywood built to European spec. I find my supplier has better
plywood with more plies per mm. than the stuff that comes from ACS. You can get everything from 1 to 6
or more mm in .5mm increments. It comes in sheets that are about 60"X60." I have used it for years. If you want some, I can send some.