Prop Pitch


New member
Anyone ever change the propeller pitch on a Decathlon?

I think mine is currently 58 and I'm turning about 2350 static rpm. The upper limit in the tcds is 2450.

Confirm the tach reading. I've found that most Decathlon's read 100 rpm low, mine included. (2350 indicated=2450 actual)
Actually, I did. I had my prop dynamically balanced and during that process I found out my tach was about 150 rpm low. It was showing 2200 rpm static.
Jon, wonder why all our tachs are this way?
Whats your experience with the prop balancing . I'm thinking about this also.
The prop balancing turned out great. We started by doing a couple of ground runs at full static rpm. So at 2350 (the highest I could achieve) on the ground he balanced the prop to a point where he couldn't add any more weight to the spinner backplate to make the vibration any less. The vibration (or lack thereof it) was displayed on his handheld computer. It was a pretty interesting process.

The first time I went flying after the balancing, it was very odd because prior to the balancing I was unknowingly aware of vibration and would adjust the throttle by feel. Well, after the balancing, at cruise rpm the engine felt smooth as silk. I felt like I was flying someone else's airplane. One thing that developed though was a bit of a vibration at around 1700 -1900. It isn't a vibration really, it's just not as smooth as cruise. So in the end I got a more dynamically balanced prop at the rpm that I mostly run.

I talked to several people before I did mine. All of them had the same comments... very smooth, can't believe the difference.
