Propeller Field Approval


New member
Looking for someone who may already have an approved 337 (or field approval) for the 80" McCauley that is TC apporved for the S7GCBC that someone may have installed on a 7GCBC with AK Bushwheels. I can start the paperwork for approval myself but our local FISDO said that if someone else has an approval that it would help.
Terry, please do let me know. This has been a very frusterating process. What Prop are you putting on. I'm assuming you have standard gear and not the Scout gear on your plane?

Mccualey 8040 seaplane prop, with standard gear, but you have to have big tires. If you call floats alaska, they should be able to help, I have their tire adapters and ordered my prop from them. My mechanic John Mark Air Of Chugiak, preapproved everything ahead of time with their fed contact before I spend the money, Its like 20$ for paperwork, and I think the fed fee is like 50$ or something small like that. I will be able to get their big tailwheel when I sell my last kidney. I have a 73 7GCBC. Hope to have the prop on by next week. If so, maybe I can scan the paperwork, and email them to you.

Terry, thats the exact prop that I want to put on and like you I haven't spent any money yet. I"m sure interested in seeing your paper work too. What do you mean by the 'tire adaptors'? I have standard gear with AK 29" bushwheel and baby bush tailwheel. For the STC to be correct I had to put Cleavland double puck brakes with wheels and for the wheels to be approved I had to get a drawing #? from American Champion. The drawing was only acceptable if I put 'Scout' axles on.
I already had the cleveland conversion, with cessna steel axles, got the 29" gar aero adapters and tires 29x11 with 10 inch rims, mccualey 8040 prop. Awaiting signed 337 from FAA inspector, the prop must have 9 inches of clearance when plane is put level, did that last night. Had to file a little of the nose cone to fit the prop in it, no bid deal, just take about a 1/4 inch all way around where the blad fits in, cause i scratched my pretty new blade good. I did notice I needed a little weight in the tail so I put 25 pounds in the baggage to improve my center of gravity. With zero wind, full fuel, me 225 and 100 pound son, was getting up in about 350 feet. I also have VG's. I got just alittle better take off performance, but it climbs like crazy. was landing and taking off in about 600 feet. Oh, and I think my plane is kind of heavy at 1317 pounds. Full carpet, VOR, extra GPS, lexane door(see thru plastic). Snowing today, so I will let you know about cruise.

Terry what ever I could get from you would be great. Like I've said I've been working on this for a long time. I've been throught the 9" clearance thing, as well as 'positive' clearance at 1 1/2 times gross with flat tires etc. Wondering why you would add weight to the tail when I wish mine was lighter, in fact I would like to move my battery forward. I like my tail up as soon as possible because of all the 'crud' we land in. Anyway your guy in Alaska was suppose to send me something for a simalar installation but haven't heard from him, although I told him I would buy my prop from him as he is much cheaper than my local prop shop. I also have VG's and a 160hp. It does pretty good as is but I really want that bigger prop.

ps, if I had your email we could stay off this forum about this
I think the plane performs better with a heavier tale, lands and stops faster, my plane will takeoff shorter than i can land if all is same. I learned on snow that i had to keep a neutral stance when taking off or it slows my takeoff(added friction), then adding flaps as your speed increases to 3/4 take off speed to get off a little sooner. My plane also flares much better with the 25lbs in the back. My battery is already on the firewall. Should have all paperwork end of this week.

Send me your address to and I will send you the paperwork for the tires and the prop. Sorry took so long, but its alaska time and no one is ever in a hurry.
