Propeller Overspeed


New member
A question for anyone who regularly does aerobatics and/or spins in a 150 CS 8KCAB. I'm new to aerobatics and my 8KCAB during spin recovery the prop overspeeds. It happens while in a dive after recovery(no longer spinning). It quickly overspeeds. The throttle is being advanced very slowly and not going very fast. My instructor does a lot of training in a Super Decathlon but not in a 150. He has never seen the Super D's prop overspeed. So he is not sure if this is a quirk of the 150 or if I need to have the prop/governor looked at.
I had the prop governor overhauled $1277. The biggest cost was a new fly weight ($651). Now I'm not getting an overspeed, however the prop does "surge" in spin recover and hammerheads. The RPM will go from about 2500 to 2100 then back to 2500 about three times during the manuever(when airspeed is rapidly increasing). Any other suggestions on what would cause this?
Have you noticed any issues with the oil pressure dropping when you transition to inverted or while on vertical lines? I have seen a similar thing in a 150 CS Decathlon that was having issues with oil pressure when it was at zero-g. When the oil pressure drops it lets the propeller go to course pitch (low RPM) and then back to fine pitch (high RPM) when the oil pressure returns. This may be the 'surge' you are experiencing.