Pros and Cons of a leading edge landing light


New member
Much as I'd like to install a wing-mounted landing light, I've heard this can be bad for a wooden wing aircraft due to leaks if flying through rain. :(
Right now my landing light is on the gear leg- pretty useless for "see and avoid" night flying.
What about a cowl-mounted light a la Cessna :?:
hey dave!

the 14-19 and 14-19-2 all have a factory L.E.L.L. cutout in the left wing. so far, i have not observed any detrimental effects on the wood. a couple of caveats, tho...

1) the L.E.L.L. lens should have a drain hole on the aft/inboard corner of the cavity so as to...DRAIN the moisture. (just AMAZING! guys are out there inventing this stuff! :lol: )

2) if you are making one fresh from scratch, you should copy an existing (factory) setup. this would include a doubler around the cutout, proper support for the lamp bracket, gussets, etc... i'll bet the factory could supply some drawings for a modest $$.

3) C.Bailey plastics has approved L.E.L.L. lenses for the 14-19 series for about $55. don't know if that will fit on a cruiseaire, but it might be easier than inventing one yourself, considering tooling, etc.

hope this helps!
blue skies,
vic & N522A
Dave, Check your email. I sent you a 3 page pdf that has the 337 for my leading edge landing light. It is addendum 3 of the 13 section 337 that I think I previously sent you . Only problem I have had is that it seemed a bit too bright. I usually only use one light rather than both of them. I flip it on, on short final. Good luck! Larry
You're really great y'know.

Just fitted my nice, new instrument panel. It's too tall and hits my knees! Dadburnit :evil:

Oh well- it wasn't perfect anyway... There was a bad spot in the paint and I cut one radio slot too wide by about 1/16 inch.
hey dave!

let me introduce you to...CARDBOARD! :D makes great mockups and patterns for things like instrument panels, brackets, boxes, etc...

seriously, i've used everything from FOAMCORE (expensive) to cut-up cereal box (cheap) for mockups. i think it's well worth the extra time and saves alot of head banging (knees too!) :x downstream.

hope this helps!

blues skies,
vic & N522A
The trouble is,I trusted the previous owner's panel to be the right size. I didn't realize the reason he'd put the backs of the front seat in funny. He apparently had the same problem and decided to solve it by attaching some extension pieces to the seat back hinge points thus moving him about 3 more inches away from the panel and THUS lowering his knees :?
He had these pieces clamped onto the original seat frame with hose clamps. :shock:

Actually it would be nice to sit back a little farther, but that obliterates the back seat leg room.

Alexandria Aircraft is sending me a good drawing of the original panel. Judicious use of instruments plus some newer radios should put me in some form of comfort. 8) This leads to a new thread :!:
It's very easy to fabricate a new ll lense. Just put the $2.00 sheet of poly in the oven till it bends then quickley wrap it around the wing leading edge till it cools. Then trim it to fit.
My wife has a real problem when I try to bring the plane to the house so I can use the oven. By the way, don't forget it in the oven it makes a REAL mess. A heat shrink gun will heat up the plastic, just not as fast But you can do it on site. This time next year I will have my plane in the GARAGE below the house (Garage is the V.A. term for a hanger house bld.) :D :D :D :lol: :lol: