Putting Wing Back On


New member
Re-assembling my 14-19-3a after a recover. Anyone done this and got any sage advice?

Steve near Chicago
Contact Paul Workman in Zanesville, OH. 740-624-6637. He just put the wings on his 14-19-3. Having put wings on several Cruisairs and Cruisemasters, I'd say trial fit all your bolts, nuts and washers. Make sure all your plumbing is complete out to the connections in the fuselage. Make sure you have access to these connections after the wing goes on. Have several sturdy sawhorses and padding to support the wing during installation. By all means.........get three or four helpers to position the wing. This is a tight fit. Don't try to hammer the bolts. They will tap in if your helpers position the wing correctly. I'd install the landing gear after the wings were bolted into place. They are heavy enough without all that steel in place. Dan
Obama town Steve, you will need lots of help. I had 6 people help me put the wings on my -2. When they are aligned wing strap to fuselage, the bolts will slide right in. Test fit your bolts before anything and lube those bad boys up. Install the front upper bolt 1st it's the mother, then the rear upper much easier and finally the bottom two. Remember these bolts act like pins they do not have to be very tight so don't go bending the wing strap with the tightening. I used two long tapered punches to align the wing and forced them out with the bolt install. Don't forget to support the wing when it is hung as you go do the other side. I never took the gear off just the wheel and tire. This whole thing was painless as long as your crew listens to YOUR instructions. We always seem to have one person who wants to be the boss. If this is the case do as I did make him the boss who installs the bolts. He will turn that job back to you after the mother bolt is installed. My job took 3 hrs. Remember to put washer under the head and the head faces forward. Get all the bolts installed and nut them up later when you don't need the help and can throw beer cans around the hangar with out hitting anyone. Press on and get er done. Lynn the crate :p
Steve, good luck with the assembly, And thank you for getting another straight tail 260 flying.

Joe Rizzo
N8545R 14-19-3A

Thanks for the advice.
When I pulled the wings off, I found it odd that all the hydraulic and fuel return lines didn't have a break at the fuselage. They went straight to the powerpack in one piece. Did you guys clip the tubing and put unions or maybe firewall fittings at the fuselage wing root area? The thought of trying to thread those lines back in while sliding the wings back on doesn't appeal much to me.
The wiring bundle was the same way. I had to cut(!) all those wires. Fortunately, I remembered to mark them first.

Again, thanks in advance,
Steve near Chicago
O town Steve, my -2 had unions just inside the fuselage fabric. My wiring all had knife connectors and I like you marked them. I suggest making your unions with flair tool and the power pack is self bleeding so don't worry about air or bleeding. The pump will purge all on the retract test. Sure hope the O man is not in town when I'm cruising up the VFR corridor to OSH this summer. Going by that skyline at low altitude is a highlight I look forward to! Lynn the Crate :lol:
My wings are ready to paint, so if spring ever comes to the prairie I’m only days away from installing. Never though of making a union in the hydraulic lines, but sound like a good idea. I have to replace one of the lines on the right wing as it had leaked in the past and they routed it up through the leading edge and out, not cool!! I am going to replace all the lines while the wings are off, has anyone done that.? (best way to get that little line through those little holes in the ribs????)

Thanks, all for the good information just at the right time. :D

Lynn, going to push hard for OSH, these two blue -2's would look great setting side by side with the aircoupes. :twisted:
I'm living in Wadsworth, just north of Great America. My hangar is at Kenosha, ENW. If you're flying by, ask the tower if anyone is at the Jones hangar. They can see it from up there and I've got them all trained nicely.

I've got the left wing wing on and am now hooking up fuel lines, hydrauic lines, etc.... I noticed that there is a small gap between the wing straps and the fuselage fittings. I'm hesitant to tighten the wing bolts down to close this gap as the bolts are supposed to work just in shear. Any comments?

Thanks, Steve Jones
I was based at ENW for a while. Good group of people. I hope do be done with my annual in a few weeks and will need an excuse to stop by. I'm at based at Ogle County now southwest of Rockford.
O-man. Don't overtighten the wing straps! Fill the small gap you have with a custom washer . The bolts act as pins only and the gap will do you no harm. Press on OSH looms closer everyday. Kenosha is feet dry for us. Lynn the crate 8)

If that'sthe airplane you had at Kenosha, I remember seeing it. I have a Midget Mustang in tiger stripes and a blue and gold Skybolt out there,too, among other projects.
It's been over 10 years, but I had the only triple tail on the field at the time. I was involved with the EAA chapter that met on the south side of the airport.
