Question about my 1413-2.

Gary Brink

New member
Can anyone share the secret about how you get the top front nut on the left wing? I was able to get it started but the wing to so close to the fuselage that I can't even get a box end wrench on it. I was able to get the other seven on and keys in place but the one in question is kicking my tail.
Hi Gary,
It has been over a year since we put the wings back my 14-19-2 but, I vaguely recall getting to one of the nuts from inside the fuselage and reaching through one of the access holes in the fuselage e.g. where the vent/pitot-static lines come through. I seem to remember one person underneath the plane holding the head and another person rotating the nut from inside. Fair warning though, I have slept since then and I may be making it all up :).

Good luck,
Gary, now may actually be the time to do it. It is a well known fact that nuts in tight places go on much easier when they have a coating of sweat on them. :)
