Question for landing light.


New member
Maybe there is already a topic on this.
What is the challenge to install a leading edge landing light? Would I weaken the wing if I'd dig a gole in the D section to install these lights we see on the cruismaster or later Cruisair? Mine was a retractable one under the co-pilot seat under the belly and got removed sometime in its life. I don't feel installing a retractable one back because I feel it's one more thing to maintain and they're heavier. Plus the wiring...on/off/retract switch and the what's not. Simpler the better. On/Off that's it.
My 14-13-2 originally was equipped with a leading edge landing light. It was removed due to water intrusion which caused some wood damage. I like to fly at night and that means getting a light back in the wing. A few years ago, Larry Lowenkron sent me a 337 from his plane for a landing light installation. With your being up in Canada, I don't know if Transport Canada would allow the 337. However, in the meantime, I found out that the Club has the original Cruisair / Cruisemaster landing light drawing. The drawing number is 15121. It details out the light assembly and the location in the wing for each type airframe. Contact Cy Galley for the drawing.
Thanks for the info Garry and Larry, I will check for the drawing and see if Transport will accept this.

I know that some of your advice was never contact the factory but Randy Scott is the wing man and is very helpful. He will give you free advice is you need it and will not tell you to send the wing to the factory because he can barely keep up now. He is honest and a good guy. The phone number is 320 763-4088. He can give you advice but they do not have the type certificate for the 14-13.
Gary Brink said:
I know that some of your advice was never contact the factory ??? Gary
I said that Garry??? :shock:

No type certificate...geee. I'm done, have to go with original :evil: :roll:

Thanks for the advice Gary. :wink:
