

New member
Hi folks,
I keep posting a request looking for a spinner for an aeromatic and a under-the-back-seat aux tank, and the next day the post is removed, whats going on?
There is a shop in New Zealand that can duplicate just about any spinner. If you have a spinner that is just too bad to repair, send it to them and they will copy it. Read some of the posts about owner made (directed ) parts and you will find that it is legal. I will call my friend tonight to get the name of the shop. My friend was very pleased with his spinner from them. I believe it was Dan Cullman that had a very good post on the design of the backing plate a year or so agout the fuel tank, call me at 707-928-5538 and I can help you out._____Grant.
The name of the spinner manufacturer is Cummins Spinners, and it is in Australia, not New Zealand. They can be Googled to get the contact info. I would think that sending them a spinner that is beyond repair but still in shape would be better than sending drawings. There are plenty of beyond repair Aeromatic spinners around. I have several aux fuel tanks ,if you are still looking._______Good Luck___Grant.
There should be a bunch of spinner that will work with the Aeromatic. Just make sure the cone clears a cylinder space of 9 by 9 inches. Univair should have a few kits left that they made for the Swift when they had to prop. I think the only unfinished part of it is that the cutout for the blades have not been done. They will fit the Franklin/Aeromataic combination. Call them and ask for Mark Selden. 303-375-8882.