Radio "Static"


New member
From the day I first flew my -3, the radio (then a Narco Mk12D) had an annoying sound of static when receiving. Never a total loss of comm but annoying nevertheless. I had the avionics shop check and all they could say is the radio was fine so thinking it might be the antenna I installed a second one on the belly.. didn't make a difference. Installing a new radio at that time was too pricey for me, and since the radio checked out fine, I went ahead and flew it home (Dallas area to Southern California). No real issues but very annoying.
I kind of got used to it but eventually wanted IFR so out with the Narco and in with a Garmin stack. 430W, SL30, GTX345, HSI, Audio Panel... I was looking forward to the same crisp clean radio comms that my Skylane had.. you guessed it, no change to the static problem. Not better. not worse.
There's 2 well-known and reputable shops on my home airport, neither is any help.
So I'm thinking there's something in the charging system.. still has generator and 3 unit regulator. The static does seem to change with change in RPM so maybe the generator needs work? It had new bearings and brushes installed when I first got it. and it had the problem at that time so.. I dunno.. I'm now thinking about changing the regulator to a solid state unit (If I can find one), but at this point its shotgun diagnostics..
I would love to find someone that is an expert in this area that can nail the problem. At this point all I get is "Maybe it's the <fill in the blank>"

I've heard recordings of my transmissions... perfect. only happen on receive. It's gotta be something on the engine generating electrical noise. (btw, mag switching has no effect)
I have a friend that has a spectrum analyzer that will sniff around the engine but I think all that would do is confirm its something on the engine, not tell me exactly where it's coming from..
Years ago they use to have Capacitors beside the voltage regulators on cars to get rid of the noise, my 14-13 has one next to the regulator on it, I am just in the process of installing new radio's now so I have no ideal if it did help before but just a thought for you?
Try installing a Zeftronics generator controller. It is all solid state and does an excellent job. I have one in the crate and it has worked fine for many years. You have a tough RF problem and best to make sure your power is clean and stable. the Zeftronics would be an excellent start. Lynn the crate
tjbell said:
Years ago they use to have Capacitors beside the voltage regulators on cars to get rid of the noise, my 14-13 has one next to the regulator on it, I am just in the process of installing new radio's now so I have no ideal if it did help before but just a thought for you?
had that done when I was still in Texas, no change. It's still there
lwford said:
Try installing a Zeftronics generator controller. It is all solid state and does an excellent job. I have one in the crate and it has worked fine for many years. You have a tough RF problem and best to make sure your power is clean and stable. the Zeftronics would be an excellent start. Lynn the crate

That's what I'm thinking too.. actually I think I'll just take the belt off and fly it.. I'll know if it's the problem before I'm past the runway, one trip around the pattern will be enough.

any idea which Zef is the one to get? approvals and all, ya know..
SoCal, the generator controller I have in the crate depends on the generator. In my case it is a 35 amp so I installed a G1350N Generator Controller. I have a 337 field approval that I can mail you a copy.(Analog guy in a Digital world). In your case look at the generator get the model # call Zeftronics and they will do the rest. E-mail me your address and I will mail you the 337 copy. Lynn the crate :)
Thanks Larry.. i saw this morning there was an STC for the -3 but now I cant find it.. the 35A unit would be the right one alright

Wait, I'm wrong.. the generator in my -3 is a 50A unit. kinda lucky since Aircraft Spruce has 50A units in stock but no 35A. :)

SoCalPlaneDoc said:
Thanks Larry.. i saw this morning there was an STC for the -3 but now I cant find it..

Found it again.
You know what's weird? that AML that lists the 14-19-2 and 14-19-3 only applies to the Alternator controllers. I'm guessing they've listed them for the guys that convert to AC. When I asked why they didn't have them on an STC for generator controllers they said it was too much trouble?
anyway.. it's a 337 for me.. no biggie In-Stock at Aircraft Spruce which is overnight shipping for me since I'm so close..
If you can find an SWR meter to use on your antenna it might help. Your antenna installation can make a big difference.
I added long strips of aluminum to make my ground plain larger, adjusting their length until I had the frequency response centered in the middle of the air band. The amount of static I was getting went down a lot.