Radio Wiring Question


New member
I'm in the process of installing a Narco MK12D (RT-328T) Nav/Com radio in my Cruisair.

The wiring diagram shows pin BB '14V Input Audio Amp'. Can anyone tell me if this is simply to be wired to 14V input?
goggle the manual, and ask an avionics tech.

I say AND..because many manuals are now written by
computer types..who often belive word like input are
Verbs not nouns...and that labels can refer to what a pin
should be connected to OR when a pin should get a signal From

and that it's ok for these things to be interchangeable !

Leaving you with no recourse except to read the schematic
(if you can) the company that made it ( Narco is no more)
or ask the working tech who has already sorted out this conundrum.

Read the last line again. :roll:
Blimpy, I looked it up in Quick Shot. There is no pin BB on Mk 12D. Plug 101,102,and 103 have no BB. There is a pin E plug 101 speaker amp audio input. That would come from an Audio panel unit and is not a 14v input. Lynn the crate :?:
The old Cessna 300 (vacuum tubes and all) radio that I pulled out of it had 'switched + LV' and 'amplifier + LV input' wired together but not connected to a LV source.......this makes me uncertain of how the new radio should be wired when I have no audio panel.
I'll look into this as luck and Google permit. I used to be in the biz. The RT-328* is an ARC - Aircraft Radio Company, generally associated with Cessnas. And of course the Mark12D is a Narco. They are both about the same re: size and function, but I am sure the pins would be different. So, the reference to both radios is a hurtle.
Incidentally, I had a back room with about a hundred bench test cables to fit all of our little plane radios. The Big boy's airline ARINC radios usually plug and play no matter who had made it. But with General Aviation, chasing pinouts is challenging because it's different for every box . No standards.
edit: OK your Mark12D was made the fit the ARC tray. Great. Now I remember.
If there is no evidence to the contrary, I would hook the Audio amp +14 to the +14 SW supply. I will see if I can google up more data.
Turns out there is no AA '14v switched out' on the plug only BB '14v input audio amp'. My issue with the radio is that transmission is weak. Not sure if this is a wiring thing or I just have a bum radio.
dtreid said:
there is no AA '14v switched out' on the plug
If there is a wire, prob 20ga or so on the back of the connector at AA position, a pole on the power sw may be gone - just guessing. Replaced a few.
If you have an avionics master switch, you could just run the connection to there. The amp would turn on with the av master. OTOH, you may not even need the amp. Receiver audio is usually made to drive a headset directly. If you do not need to drive a speaker, the amp which is normally used as an audio mixer and speaker driver would not be needed. Again, without a block diagram or schematic, only guessing.

A "weak" transmitter would fall into two categories, weak modulation or weak rf power.
Weak modulation sounds weak close or far.
Weak rf power will sound OK close, but weak at, say, 10 miles - poor range.
There is often a modulation adj reachable from outside the case.

I pulled my Mark 12 and it's now decorating the end of the chain attached to my boat, where it is most useful
Narcos are one of the radios which will wipe out your handheld GPS when tuned to certain frequencies... on my way home just west of El Paso it blanked all three of my GPS's and I had to IFR to Deming.
I had no reservations about yanking and destroying it.
there's intel alout this all over the internet but if you're google-handicapped, try this:
mr. ford... twernt me asking the Q.

I used to be an avionics tech.. when dinosaurs still cluttered the runways
but I never try to rely on my memory for stuff like this !

I still have a narco transponder, because it came with the plane, and it works,
but I wouldn't be BUYING a narco comm or nav... anymore than I would by a willys.