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Perhaps you remember me, I'm the guy who was posting last summer about possibly buying a Cruisair or perhaps a Cessna 140 with the idea of getting tailwheel time with the idea of perhaps learning to fly a spray plane. As you may remember the owner of the Cruisair had offered to fly the plane to Alex. so the Webber boys could look it over for a prebuy, but at the last minute decided not to make the trip. I decided to take the advise of most you guys and just forgot about the whole affair. Then in early Oct. the owner from MI called and asked how my mechanic liked the airplane, I told him I didn't think he could have an opinion as he never saw it. "Oh he was just here and looked it over, said it looked good," he replied. I told him I didn't see how that could be as I had not even told the Webbers what his name was, " Well he was here " ,I was assured. The next day I contacted Webber's and Kevin told me that he had been in MI to pick up another plane and noticed that he was driving by the town I had mentioned when arrainging the prebuy, so he went to the airport and asked around. No luck,so he did an internet search and found a 14-13 registered to someone in Dowagiac, MI and gave him a call, sure enough it was the fellow I had been dealing with, so he did a prebuy. He said that he would have called me for info, but didn't have my number either. Well to shorten things up, I bought the plane, the owner delivered it to Worthington MN and I had it ferried to Alex to do an annual, took almost 2 months between weather and schedule conflicts. The annual got more extensive than we figured, but I guess that would be common on a plane that had not flown much for quite a while, no big things (yet) but lots of time consuming little things, oil leaks, that sort of thing. Well got it home, fixed a few more things, such as trim flex cable, (Thanks again, Larry), got my tailwheel endorsement, and the requirered insurance time flown off( still have to do a few more solo before taking passengers) and am having a ball, first cross country the other day to visit my daughter at college. sure beat driving. Can see why you guys are so fond of these aircraft, hard to believe that its 63 yrs.old by the way it performs. Got some more to do, mostly interior stuff and presistant small oil leaks, but hope to put on some hours this year, mabee see some of you guys at Oshkosh or something. Thanks for the earlier advise, Richard
Congrats on your new toy! Hope it turns into a keeper for you. Way more airplane than a C140 and rewarding too. Battling oil leaks seems to be a constant but the Franklin is a good engine. Keep us posted on your experiences. Glenn
I knew that Kevin had looked at your plane because he told me about how he found it when he got back. He didn't tell me that he didn't know how to reach you or I could have contacted you via this site. Also, I took LOTS of pictures of your bird while it was in Webers. It all helps my project.
Hi Gary.
Hope your project is going along nicely, glad that you could get some good from my old bird. Did you get down to see Lemar? I was there to get some door stuff and he told me you were comming to look at some of the wood from his plane. Going to try and get my door to seal up acceptably today. Heater works good but most of the heat is getting sucked out the door as the bottom pulls out about 1/2 inch when airspeed is high. Richard