*Real* cruise speed of 8GCBC

Jon B.

New member
Greetings, all.

My dear wife will be retiring (early) this month. She thinks we'll be doing more travelling by air in the future. Our 90 hp 7EC has neither the speed nor the baggage capacity it needs to be a true cross country machine.

My older brother had a '95 Scout with a three-blade cs prop but I don't recall the actual cruise speed. His memory is worse than mine, so it's useless to ask him. Also, I believe the cruise suffers with that prop.

What are the real numbers? I'd prefer a constant-speed prop but that 80-inch MT that Jerry M. described sounds good. Also, what sort of baggage room is there? I recall having to reach over the rear seat to get at stuff in back. Is there a side door option?

No, I can't afford a new one. Anything in my possible range will be nearly 30 years old...

Jon B.
The Baggage door is retro-fittable but was not a factory option until around 99 or 2000....(what was that memory thing?)

The MT 80" was not approved until 2004...but it is a Constant Speed. I am not sure it can be put on anything but the O-360-C1G which came into play in around 1994-1995.

The Hartzel Constant Speed Scouts cruised at around 135 mph.
Thanks, Jerry. I had that 135 number in mind but wasn't sure it was for real. That's 50% faster than my Champ!

Brother Dan and I picked up a nice tailwind (heading NW, mind you) and had a 137-knot groundspeed across Minnesota and well into Montana a few years ago. By the time we returned, the wind was back to the normal W-E flow, and we had another tailwind. That was in 495DB; you may recall that particular beast, Jerry.

Can the baggage door be added with a Service Bulletin or reference to a drawing, maybe? Or, do most of the Scout drivers just climb over the rear seat to get at their 'stuff'?

Wow 135 Cruise, I must need to buy a speed kit. :) My GPS used to say 121 Knots now with the Bushwheels its more like 111 Knots. 2450 rpm 22 inches. Every 5 hour flight I make I cuss those tires then I land on them and :D again
:shock: Jerry you guys are always so conservative on your specs, Unlike that other out fit, hey maybe we could get approval for a set of wheel pants to go over my bushwheels 8)
You mean we need to lie to sell these things?
I always thought they sold just fine. :)
Besides, how many people buy something for over 100K that they just order from a catalog because of the numbers? Its those people who will be ultimately be disappointed.

I would like to see the mold for Wheel Pants that fit nicely over 31" tires. :lol: