Real Gasket Pushrod Tube Install


New member
So I'm in the process of installing the 'real gasket' silicone pushrod tube seals in my Franklin.

I can pretty much get the pushrod flush with the surface, but I can't keep some of the outer seal from squishing out around the tube.

Is there some trick to doing this? It's almost as if the new seals are just a little bit too big to fit.
Dish soap and or oil on the seal helps.
I made a pusher that attaches to the rocker bolt hole to allow me to get some leverage on the tube without working too hard.
I also made a plastic tool that snaps around the push rod tube to help insert the inner seal without wrecking it.
Someone had hit the tube with a hammer earlier so I had to replace some tubes and clean up dings in the head to get the seals in.
The 165 has larger inner seals than the 150.
This has actually already been addressed in previous messages, but thought I would add something more since you are getting so many replies(not!).
I have attached three photos of tools that can be used. Tool 1 is one I made to remove pushrod tools, it cost less than a buck(USD). Tool 2 is what I use to insert pushrods- it is the vertical tool you see leaning on my wing. I cushion the end, lube the pushrod seals (either seals or o-rings) and push it in. The third picture are actual Franklin tools. They cost a bit a zillion dollars if you can find them. They work too, but the others also work and are a heck of a lot cheaper.

Looks like I have to add one file at a time, so see following messages!
I ended up making a tool to push them in. I then found that di-electric (silicone) grease worked well as a lubricant. Like everything on this old bird the 2 hour job turned into a 2 day job.