Real-world Cruisemaster numbers


New member
The 14-19-2 is on my very short list for my next airplane, and I'd like to get a feel for the real-world useful load and cruise numbers. All the web info I find shows 170 kts for cruise - somehow I suspect that's taken from the 1950s Bellanca sales literature, and is a bit optimistic.

What speed do Cruisemasters actually cruise at?
And what is a realistic useful load (gross weight - empty weight)?

hey roger!
although my cruisemaster N522A is an earlier 14-19 (190hp lycoming) i'll put my oar in just for giggles.
running at around 24"/2500 i regularly see 135 to 140 kts across the ground (GPS). i have not had a chance to do the scientific TAS calcs, but my cross country block times seem to bear this out. my airplane has a useful load of 985lbs. i'm hoping to improve that soon with the removal of alot of old heavy radios and instruments.
the 14-19-2 does do alot better in the climb dept due to the extra horse-pressure. cruise will be somewhat faster, maybe 140 to 150 kts depending on pwr setting. useful loads will be a little higher on the -2 as it has a 2700lb GW vs my 2600lbs.
handling of the two airplanes is virtually identical (delightful!!) as they are essentially the same airframe, just different powerplants. the -2 with the continental is also easier to find parts for as the O-470 is still supported by the factory; the O-435 is not.
for a really nice comparison look up russell williams' web site ( and check out his comparison of the bellanca models. he owns a very nice 14-19-2.
hope this helps,
blue skies,
vic steelhammer & N522A
Rodger, I bought a 14-19-2 last fall N9818B. It has been alot of work but it is flying and it is fun. At 2400 Sq I indicate 150 mph at 3000 ft. The higher you go the faster. It is a Cessna 180 with low wing and it has a great useful load. These old crates are demanding in time and money to make them what you want! This plane is something I always wanted and after owning a Cherokee for 20 years I got what I wanted. I will be at Oshkosh in the Classic section. This plane is my Messerschmidt WW2 fighter it is a real rush to own and fly. LYNN :p
8841R cruises at 5000 ft at approx 150-155kts according to ground speed (GPS) Speed is average from the last 15 hrs of cross country flying.Airspeed has not been calibrated but generally indicates about 150mph.I have found this plane to be steady in cruise and my only want would be a autopilot.My last trip was from Minn to denver and back.I am still smiling!I have owned a cessna 180,American traveler,piper Clipper,Piper Pacer,P model Bonanza and currently a 206 on floats and use my sons cruisemaster. Floats are a ball but cruisin in the cruisemaster on a beautiful day is a blessing all should enjoy. :
Generally the Bellanca 14-19 is faster for the horsepower than a Downer Cruisemaster. My buddy Russell Williams has a Downer 'Master and said some not nice things about the Bellanca version on his web site but he did so largely to acquire my goat. As I have little need for a goat, I complied. He's been a big help to me these past 30 months getting 6561N back into good condition.

Seriously, they cruise about the same. The Bellanca has a narrower cowl and could be a tad more efficient than the Downer, but the Downer has 40 more horsepower making the climb difference quite different between the two. On a standard day, with two people aboard I'm happy with 1100fpm. I've seen Russell's hit 1800 with a similar load on a cool day.

Also, the Bellanca has a controllable, rather than a constant speed prop. My O435 has been rebuilt as an -A2 meaning that it has higher compression pistons and can produce more horsepower but only at RPM that can get a bit scary, or worse if you fail to pay attention to the tach during climbout.

Both can have autopilots. Mine has a Brittain wing leveler that works wonderfully, plus Brittain also makes add-on modules that allow it to track a VOR or GPS heading. No alt hold, no auto steering (you twist a knob to steer to the new heading). Brittain is still in business and still makes the parts for both models.

to thuringer,if your interested in cruisemasters,i'm rebuilding one here in MN(just south of minneapolis)we could get together sometime and compare notes.
I have had the opportunity to own a 47 14-13-2 and a 68 Viking with the 300hp. As I try to tell people open up the flight manual and what it says for speed,power setting and altuitude is right. It is hard for people to believe but it has worked for me. A friend bought a 14-19 and said it would not fly as promised. I pulled out the book and asked what setting he was using? When he told me I showed him in the book that 17mp at 22 rpm is 150 mph. He did not like the fuel consupsation untill he found his fuel flow was off. Now he has started to put more power in and is finding out how fast it is. You won't find anymore bang for the buck. :D :p