Recovering Fuselage


New member
I need to poll the forum on the rib stitch spacing down the upper center stringer on the fuselage. Also about where does the stitching start ?
I measure inch and a half right behind the rear seat. down to the end of the stringer Lynn N9818B :D
I don't know if you have installed your envelope or have an interior in yet, but I taped my lacing cords onto the bottoms of the fuelage top stringer at their proper spacing, than installed the envelope, glued & shrunk it than poked my holes for the stitches, than fished the chords up with a hook.....whole process seemed to go well. Ken
I finished the stitching and tapes today. The interrior has been in before the cover went on. I used a 6" curved needle to stitch the back bone and it worked well . Went between the trim tube and wood stringer, were only a few places I had to skip due to clamps or tubes. Looks good to me with tapes on. I will post pic's to my website soon.
Thanks for the info ya'll

I stitched mine from one end to the other. I used the method where you poke down through the fabric, cross under the longeron diagonally to a hole meant for a stitch about three inches later, came up there, returned through the same hole and passed under the fabric to the correct hole.
Knot ties normally at that point.
Confused :?: :? It's in the 43.13 :D
Wow! When I took the fabric off of mine, it had small screws about every two inches along the entire top. I saved the screws and planned to put them back but if they were not original equipment the FAA inspector might have a problem with them. :?: :?:
AFAIK, no screws were used there during the manufacture of this aircraft.
Are you saying the screws were placed sideways through the stringer?
Man... :shock:
No, they were straight down into the top of the wood strip. By the way, Dave, I looked at the website for Airtex and they do not list Bellanca aircraft. How did you order your interior?
P.S. I bought part of a Cherokee 180 last week-end. I am getting tired of wishing I could be flying instead of working on my Cruisair.
I am planning on retiring at the end of 2008 so I will have more time for working on it.
Here's a link to the seat sets.

Seat Slings:

Baggage compartment sling isn't listed, but they can make you one. I have a good drawing if you need it.
Headliner? I bought a roll of material and cut my own. Same with the side panels.
You have to call about a carpet set, firewall pad, etc. They're VERY helpful. :D