registration of citabria question


New member
Maybe one of you might be able to give me some advise on this:

I own a Citabria 1973 model 7gcaa in South Africa. My Citabria is registered under our certified class at Civil Aviation. We also have a non type certified class in South Africa (NTCA Class). Five out of the Nineteen existing citabrias in South Africa are registered non type certified. Certified aircraft has to be worked on by qualified and registered AMO`s which is seriously expensive in South Africa. It is almost time for my aircraft to be re-covered and the AMO fee is around 180 000 South African Rand. If my citabria was non type certified it would cost me 60 000 South African Rand (this done by an expert but only licensed as a non type certified AMO). I will still need to use ACA original parts where neccessary in future but anything can be installed by an NTCA amo which is allways less expensive. I am sure anyone will realize the attraction of registering an aircraft non type certified in South Africa.

I want to start the process of de-registering my citabria and re-registering it to non type certified class if possible.In a letter from Civil aviation they explained that if there is any critical part of my model citabria which can not be supported by the factory with the exact original part this would be sufficient to change my registration. The million dollar question would be if there is any part in my 1973 model 7gcaa which ACA can not support or replace? –Even if the part is changed and modified to suit my aircraft. I will need to give the South African Civil Aviation Authority a letter from ACA that this part can not be supported by the factory etc. This will enable me to change the registration. This will save me a fortune in the re-covering of my plane.

Anyone have an idea whom to contact at ACA in this regard?

I'm not sure if this helps but in Canada we have an Owner's Maintenace Category( for details). The 7gcaa qqualifies under this category. It which sounds a lot like what you have in S.A. Perhaps this will suport your request.
You should contact Jerry jr. at ACA. 262-534-6315 or go to the web site
"The million dollar question would be if there is any part in my 1973 model 7gcaa which ACA can not support or replace? –Even if the part is changed and modified to suit my aircraft. I will need to give the South African Civil Aviation Authority a letter from ACA that this part can not be supported by the factory etc."

So you want a letter saying there is some part of the aircraft that we dont support at all?
Hi Jerry,

Yes if there is such a part?- even if it has to be modified in South Africa to fit my model citabria. There is a few citabrias registered as non type certified in South Africa but none of the new owners know how the previous owners changed over to none type certified- they must have had some part they had to modify and allowed them to change the registration. I received a letter from our civil aviation telling that if I can give them a letter like thAt they can change the registration to non type certified. It will save me lots of money on the re-covering.

Can you do it because they also did it? We do that all the time in the States.

I can't really think of anything that we don't supply on a 7GCAA. The wood spar wing maybe, but we have an alternative to that.
I might have a hard time being able to legally state that to the intent of the rule.
Hi Jerry,

Thanks for the reply!! How do you do that in the states- what does the aviation authority need- maybe that can work here as well?

The wooden spars can work- I actually think one of the other citabrias used that. May be a letter saying in all honesty that the wooden spars can not be replaced by the factory and only new aluminium spars can be build in but the weight changes a bit. I am sure a letter like that will help. How does that sound?


I called ACA to order Service Kit No. 273: Rib/Spar Nail Repair, and they don't have it any more. :twisted: