Repairing a tip plate


New member
This past summer I threw a rock into my passenger side tip plate landing in Idaho.
The rock crushed / broke about 1 inch of the tip plate wood.
My tip plates appear to be connected with the horizontal stabilizer with fabric to provide a bit of fairing between the two making removal slightly more difficult than just unbolting.
Is it possible to scarf in a repair on the airplane?
Is it worth it to just cut a new tip plate from spurce ply and install?
I will try to get pictures soon
It's always something
Adam, just scarf a piece of aircraft plywood to repair the damage. I fixed mine years ago using West System Epoxy and a piece of aircraft spruce planed to width. Lynn the crate
Adam - and to anyone that might benefit - I have sheet metal templates for the plates, the plate cap piece, and a number of other components. I purchased these from the widow of Tom James. As you might recall Tom was a real perfectionist and had a beautiful -2 (now owned by Lucy) and had two other -2 project planes he was working on. I'm happy to loan these template out.
I have had a pinked white duct tape patch covering the damage for the last few months (It got me from Idaho to Massachusetts).
I am going to sand down the damaged area and see what I can do. It might be a summer project given my school schedule. Luckily it's not a large repair, but the flap rebuild took most of my energy last year.