Replacing Airworthiness Certificates

Larry Lowenkron

New member
Started this as a new thread.

Misread AW for AD's in your previous post... Doesn't look too hard to do.
Here is what I found on replacing an AW certificate from:

Replacement Airworthiness Certificates

What is the process for replacing an airworthiness certificate?

ANSWER: The FAA may issue a replacement airworthiness certificate when a certificate is declared lost, has been mutilated, or is no longer legible.

The replacement airworthiness certificate will show the original issue date of the certificate being replaced, preceded by a capital “R” in the Date block of the certificate.

Replacement certificates can also be issued when the aircraft registration number has been changed.

A request for a replacement certificate should be made to your local Flight Standard District office or a qualified DAR. The registered owner or certificated operator must submit a signed statement containing the registration number (N-Number), serial number, make, and model of the aircraft, and a reason the replacement certificate is needed.

A replacement airworthiness certificate may be issued without supporting documentation from the FAA Aircraft Registry AFS-750 if the date of issuance and the airworthiness classification and/or category of the lost or mutilated certificate can be positively established from the aircraft records, or from the remains of the certificate.

If there is insufficient data on which to base issuance of the replacement certificate, the FAA or DAR will obtain the required data electronically, by telephone, or by mail (such as the application form or previously issued airworthiness certificate) from AFS-750.
Thanks Larry. That seems much more reasonable than I expected. I may possibly get into the burn area tomorrow, and start sorting through what burned and what survived. I may find some things to be OK. Waiting is frustrating, but not nearly as bad as so many people in Lake County have it. _____Grant.
Thanks Forrest, We were told last night (at a huge public meeting) that it would be a few more days before we cam get in. That is the same thing as we were told a week ago. Cobb is the last area to reopen. I can understand wanting to allow the power company to get service up before all the grieving home owners get in the way, but it is still frustrating. At least the old family ranch was spared, so I can only complain a little bit. I hope I find smoky log books rather than ashes. _____Grant.
I got into my storage containers today and found nothing but ashes. I even had some old Corvette dual quad manifolds on a shelf, and they were melted. It was a contained and very hot fire. So much for my logbooks. I lost all of the paperwork for a couple of projects that I plan on selling, so that will certainly make them less valuable. Oh Well, I still have tons of parts for Bellancas and Franklins. I think I need a stiff drink. Grant.
Sorry to hear that, Gant. I'll have a JD rocks and think of you if you think it will help. On second thought, I'll have it even if it doesn't help.
Grant, depending on what you need for paperwork, you can still get the CD and replacement airworthiness and registration certificates. It may not be as complete as what you had, but will make them more valuable than non certified parts. Let me know if I can help. LL
Thanks all, I ordered CDs for the 4 planes that are in my name (1 complete,3 projects) and I will do what Larry recommended for the AW cert. I also will have to get new registration papers for the projects. I am going to start selling off lots of stuff. I have more parts than any sane person would have, but "sane" sometimes doesnt fit me. I am still one of the lucky ones from my town, so life will go on. Grant.