replacing Citabria wings


New member
I have a 1968 7KCAB and have changed 2 fuel tanks. I have to buy used tanks from boneyards or rebuild my own. If I had a '73, I could buy NEW fuel tanks. I have already seen '78 wings for sale. What I would like to know is; How difficult is it to replace '68 wings with wings built after '73? What, exactly, would this entail. I have a float guage only on the right wing, the newer ones have one in each wing. My switches are positioned above the back window on the left side. Would I need to move them? How much rewiring would be necessary? Is there an STC for this exchange? Has anyone done this with wings made in the '70s?
The only big change was in the vent system. Yours should be on top of the L/H wing root fairing. The later wings have the vent on the lower side of left wing behind an ice deflector. Make sure the replacement wings are from a KCAB. The fuel injected engines return fuel to the right tank via some extra plumbing which the ECA and GCAA do not have. Check with ACA about the interchange. They have provided metal spar wings that have the later tanks and should have a solution for the installation.

My 73 8KCAB has only one fuel guage in the right wing. I would think that some of the 7KCAB aircraft were also built with fuel guage.

The Lycoming fuel injected engines don't return any fuel to the tank.
I bought new wings for my 8KCAB. My old (1975) wings only had a gauge in the right wing. If I remember correctly I had to move ( cut off and reweld) a piece of small square tubing on the left side where the new left gauge went.
Bill Becker
The return line I am speaking of is a 1/8" copper line that runs from the fuel servo unit to the check valve OB of the fuel tank. It's too small for a delivery line could be some kind of little vent line or a fuel return line. Or it could be just for looks and filled with Root Beer.