Restoring a 7ECA Citabria


New member
I am in the process or recovering my Citabria due to a bad cross wind landing. So far I have all the fabric installed and have the Poly-spray and the first coat of white on. My question is about the poly-spray paint. Can I use the same paint to paint the metal and cowlin??? Can any one could help me out on this so I don't have to redo it.

Thanks for any help.
Richard :D
If you're using Polytone for a topcoat, Stits makes a color-matched enamel for the metal. From memory (it's been awhile), I think there's a product to 'dull up' the enamel just a tad to match the Polytone. The Polytone is not the SUPER shine that Aeothane has unless you buff it out.

If you're using Aerothane, their polyurethane product, it works as well on metal as it does on fabric.

Have fun!

Richard, if you are using Polytone, that is what you want to use on the metal too. Get in the manual, there is a procedure for shooting the Polytone in a coat of wet epoxy primer. The Polytone will then adhere to the epoxy. You can then scuff the Polytone and it will stick to itself. If you let the primer cure, then scuff and shoot, the Polytone will not stay on. You can take it off in sheets the size of notebook paper. If this does not make sense please let me know. Enamel will never match Polytone the way you want. Hope this helps, David Johnson, Jasper, GA
Read the manual...............Shoot Polytone about 10-12 hours after the epoxy sooner or you risk a wrinkle finish. This is good for small parts and weldments. For sheet metal, let the primer cure for at least a week, scuff thoroughly with scotchbrite, clean with C2210, tak, and shoot the same polytone on the scuffed,primed surface. I've used these products since the mid '70s and have had not one square inch peel off. Dan
Richard, From the PolyFiber website:

Can I use Poly-Tone on metal parts?
>You can use Poly-Tone on metal parts if you apply it according to the manual. Basically, that means prime the part using EP-420 epoxy primer. While the primer is still drying spray one coat of Poly-Tone directly onto the tacky primer. Let this dry for 8 hours then spray another coat of Poly-Tone.
After the primer has flashed off, in other words the reducing solvents have evaporated and the primer is dull. While the primer is still very fresh and sticky, spray your polytone.

David Johnson
Thanks everyone for all the help.
I am using Poly-tone so I will get into the manual do some reading.
I really don't what to have a big mistake and have to take the paint back off.

Thanks again