Rib stitching the horizontal


New member
Hey guys I have a question. I was cruising along rib stitching the horizontal when I came to the third rib from the end. I couldn't get around the rib to the other side. I pulled out the drawings and noticed that specific rib is where the flying wires attach and the tube is quite a bit larger. The stitch seems like it would be nearly double the size as the others. Am I correct on this or? Anybody have a picture of that area that they can post? Suggestions?
Yes tried using the curved tip needle and it didn't have enough to get around. The curved needle isn't long enough... Just going to bend my long needle where it will make it around. Thanks.
When I had some tough areas for the standard needles, I made my own. I took an appropriate length of wire coat hanger, pounded flat one end and drilled a hole through it, sharpened the other end and presto- custom sewing needle. Not of quite the same quality, but it worked. Tom Robinson
Amen to Crumast's post above.
In addition to three normal needles I have about a half dozen coat hanger needles of various lengths and curvature. I don't remember any problem recovering the horizontal stabs & elevators on my Cruisair but that was WAY back in 2013. Homemade tools and fixture are a way of life when you deal with "mature" airplanes.

I LOVE the "modified insane knot"!