Rigging question


New member
I was rigging my Cruisair 14-13-2 1947 today and noticed the control wheel go further on the right then on the left when we go full aileron deflection. Is this normal?
The ailerons does about the same travel, +- 1/4 in. up and/or down but the control wheel go to about 5 o'clock to the right but when going to the left it does not go further then about 8 o'clock.
In other words, about 135 deg to the right and not much more then 100 to the left...confusing! I tried to figure it out with my AME. Concluded it was part of the design. If someone can confirm me their's is the same I would apreciate.
I Can call you to to discuss.

Also should we rig the ailerons about 1/8 in. down so they come on neutral with air pressure when in flight?

Yes that's what got me confused...the stop is centered. Or else I would not have the same travel on the ailerons. :shock:

But I noticed that the bolt attaching the control wheel tube to the the sprocket has a different angle on the left wheel from right wheels.
From my deductions :roll: the wheels, actually the tubes, are not interchangeable. Probably got mixed during a rebuilt in it's life somewhere. just a note, My airplane was doing the coverpage of Private Pilot July 1994 and was pictured in formation flight. You can see through it's windshield from the photo plane that the wheels were both to the right quite a bit when flying straight and level. So it's an old problem.
I finally figured it out. Did the test flight, flew hands off. nice and straight, both ailerons has same travel but wheel pointing to be fixed. Mind that it is lot better than before. It needed a bit of rigging. :lol:
The ailerons shopuld be rigged to be exactly neutral- flush with the bottom of the wing and zero deflection when compared to the wingtip. Deflecting them down will cause your outer wing to stall before the wing root resulting in loss of aileron control at low speed. I believe our Bellancas have a certain amount of "washout" out toward the wingtips to prevent this rather bad scenario from occurring. :shock:
The control wheel should have the same movement left and right. Two things come to mind- the control wheel shafts were swapped during rebuild or one of them is inverted. :?
Also, if your Aileron chain drive that drapes across the three sprockets is shorter on one side than the other, that would certainly cause the wheel to stop prematurely in one direction.
Acording to the book. The Ailerons should trail up about 5 degrees from the #1 rib. I could never get mine to fly straight that way myself. I also have an engine conversion and when they built the motor mount they did not off set the engine. At 22 inches the plaine flys straight at 25 inches it pulls to the left. Still fun :lol: :lol:
Thanks for these advises Dave.
When weather calm down a bit and come back to human condition, (10 deg F again this morning. Makes you just wanna stay home.) :evil:
I will go back and work at it. It's almost there but like I mentionned. those shaft I think are inverted. Chain look good and even both side, stopper in middle so that's all I can see for now.

Best regards

Don't know if you ever got your answer, but my 46 14-13-2 was the same way. The controls are slightly off center from each other. This is normal. Jusat average the two. Got to say I never noticed it till I had to replace wing.
Craig Cooper