Right hand window assembly (frame)


New member
Anyone know of good source of used parts for 8GCBC. Have lost right hand window frame from aircraft.
I'll answer....since I talked to Tom on the phone.
First off, he has a split photo door.

Seems the 85 mph wind pulled the rivets out of the fiberglass on the front 2 hinges and the last one could not hang on alone.
Since the window is gone, we cant be sure if its the lay-up of the door or the rivets did not sqeeze properly into the fiberglass. I usually suspect the later because doing anything with fiberglass is more of an art than a science.

I cant say the split door is the best design Bellanca ever came up with. hehe
We have an alternative designed but we are halted at the stage of spending money on a big mold.....
I bet that was a suprise. I've got a friend, he's probably 65, anyway just to make a long story short he thought since the photo window would open it was fine to fly with it open and yes it does have the speed limiting placecard ,he may not be able to read, but anyway his back left window exited the other day, in fact it did it so fast that him and the passenger didn't really know what had happened . He told the passenger to grab the front molding and it was a few minutes before the passenger realized he was holding the molding through the hole where the window use to be.
