Rudder Cable Length issue on a 14-19-2


New member
According to what I heard today from AAL, 14-19-2 rudder cables are called out on the print as 2ea of the same part number 18065-40 assy. Within the 18065-40 assembly the two 18065-4 rudder cables are spec’d out as steel 1/8 inch steel 7 x 19 Flex. However, length for the left is 16’ 10" (202 inches). Length for the right is 16’ 11 5/16" (203.3 inches).

Mine measure out as Left=16' 7 11/32” (199.34 inches) and Right 16' 9” (201 inches) and at least the right one is too long so the spec 16’ 11 5/16” would be way too long. For the right side, with the adjustment at the firewall all the way in and the turnbuckles at the rudder bottomed out, I still had some slack. The pulleys look right and I hit all 3 pulleys. Anyone have any ideas?
Hi tejasflyr and welcome to the forum!

As you probably know (or will soon learn) documentation on the triple-tail models is unreliable and in many cases non-existent. Alexandria Aircraft does their best to help with questions such as yours however in my experience their collection of old blueprints and technical data is not always accurate. The original drawings were often never updated to reflect the "as built" condition, not to mention that virtually every airplane to come out of the factory in the '50s was different in subtle ways.

To the best of my knowledge the left and right rudder cables are of different length. This would make sense simply from the fact that the rudder torque tubes are staggered in the fore and aft direction. I'm confident that other members will respond with more authoritative information. Please let us know more about your -2, maybe post a couple of pictures of you plane... perhaps we already know you... not many of us out there! --Rob
Hi Rob,

I guess I should have introduced myself. Mark here. A&P/IA here in the Austin TX area. I work mostly in the warbird community with DC-3 and T-6s.

I own a 58 14-19-2 N9805B. (pictured)

I am doing my first extensive annual on the plane and keep finding unexpected things. Like the ADF antenna for the ADF that was removed 15 years ago and similar things. The present rudder problem came up when I could not get tension on the rudder cables. Also I should note that the left rudder adjustment was bottomed out against the firewall and the excess was cut off in the engine compartment. So I bought a new spring and eye-bolt stupidly thinking that would help. with all that installed, no joy.

So then I really started to look at the system. I kept coming back to the idea that the cables (at least the right one) were too long. I should also note that a previous owner had added a rudder trim tab which should not have been needed if the rudders were rigged correctly. So I removed both cables and found measured them. The right was indeed longer (about 1.6 inches) than the left as expected and as Rob noted.

What I am temped to do is move the left cable to the right and see how it works. If it does, I can have a new left one made to my specs.

Does anyone know about how far forward the rudder pedals should be? I am thinking if each side can get full rudder travel to the stops with an inch or 2 before the pedal hits the firewall/brake master cylinder, I should be good. I am also not sure how much spring tension there should be as the further aft the pedals are the higher the tension will be. Any thoughts or insight would be helpful.
