Rudder lag


New member
I’m having an issue with the right rudder lagging. The left rudder works fine. But when you press the right rudder pedal is does nothing for a second or two, then slowly starts to turn. I’ve checked all the cables and pullys and they all seem fine. I did notice that the spring attached to the rudder pedal has been stretched. Does anyone know where I could find part number 9910 or a suitable replacement?
Two places you need to look. There is an adjustable spring on the rt copilots rudder pedal. It is adjusted to keep the crate straight during cruise flight, The other place is back behind the battery where the tailwheel cables and springs attach to the rudder cables. When I got the crate someone had taken the springs out of the system! Illegal, sure made the tailwheel steering sensitive and beat the hell out of the tailwheel, Fixed all that when I did the recovering years ago. Lynn
Well, it finally warmed up enough to spend some time at the hangar. I took a look at the the right rudder pedal, and the only spring is attached to the rudder peddle and the firewall. It is not adjustable.
The springs in the back are there and everything looks to be kosher in the tail of the aircraft. The rudder cables themselves seem to be a bit on the long side, and the turnbuckles on the rudder look like they are turned in as far as they will go.

Perhaps the cable has stretched over time and needs to be shortened?
I am going to try to get into the tail of my bird this coming week