Rudder pedal interference


New member
I looked at a 66 GCAA today, that I am considering buying. Did not get to see the logs yet., the owner is away on vacation.

Everything looked almost like new. The airplane is hangared and had new spars, interior, fabric, engine major and prop in 2000. It now has 600 since then.

The only sqwak I could find ( and I looked hard for 4 hours) is the right rudder pedal. When pushing full right rudder, the cam shaped piece on the back of the pedal, for the toe brakes, comes is contact with the tube frame. On the left side it clears fine. Anyone else seen this?

Did the 66 GCAA come with heel brakes? Maybe this is a poorly done conversion?>??

I will get to fly it in a couple weeks when the owner gets home. Meanwhile I took an oil sample and sent off.

Also, can someone explain how the fuel gage works? I saw one for the right wing tank, none for the left.

You should be able to adjust the rudder pedal back.

There are two tanks but they behave as a single tank. So, they used to think one gauge was enough. (As long as both caps are tight and sealed)
Thanks Jerry,
I found a service letter on the pedal hitting the tubing. Didn't say anything about adjusting, but mentioned that the rudder cable may be stretched and should be replaced.
There should be a 'cam' looking fitting bolted to the back of the rear pedals (attached to the cable). Should be able to do 'some' adjustment there.
Okay, while on the subject of rudders... I also noticed that the spring tension on the tail wheel was non- existent. the springs and chains were slack. Every other tailwheel I have flown had some tension ( preload) on the tail wheel springs.

The Maule I am flying now has the same Scott 3200 and the springs were slack. The ground handling was lousy. After removing a link in the chain it improved a lot.

Are Citabria's supposed to be slack?
By the TC, you are supposed to have straight spring on there. Due to shimmy, many poeple will buy the chain link compression springs. Do those help? eh, yeah, a little.
Okay, you got me. Where in the TCDS does it specify what type of tailwheel spring is called for.
Also, is there another kind of spring used on Scott 3200 besides compression springs?

What kind of tailwheel/spring combination is supposed to be used and where is that data?
The older Citabrias and Decathlons only have one float guage. The tanks flow together, so you get a fpretty good read if the wings are level, but i dip both of my tanks every time. (My 7KCAB is a '68.) the newer wing tanks have float guages on both sides. Unfortunately, they will not fit in the older wings. I don't know if you can install another guage. It is obviously in the later type certificates. It would mean some cutting and care in figuring where it could enter the cabin.