rudder trim


New member
I have a 7ECA that takes a bit of right rudder to keep the nose from yawing left in level cruse flight. I would rather not add a rudder trim tab. Have any of you had any luck correcting this by adjusting the rudder mast using the tail flying wires?
Thanks Don
Just my $ worth, first find the cause no do not use the tail brace wires to move the vertical they are for setting the horizontal stabs level and square to the vertical and with correct tension hold them in place.

I would first go back to the rigging of the wings and controls. several things to check and a member of this list has written up a nice note an rigging the wings. I just saw it posted somewhere but will need to look for it unless someone has the link here.

Some things to look into:

Rudder cable tension, best checked with tail on saw horse.

Remove tailwheel to rudder springs, compression or extension, then wiggle rudder and let it go should line up with vertical post again. Do this serveal times if it does not return to netural then in the cabin there are two places to adjust, the backseat rudders have springs that hold tension and usually have holes to set the tension or you need to correct the spring length and tension, if one pedal is in front of the other.

Now if the rudder is not lined up with the vertical fin the cable atachment point at the rear seat pedals should also have adjustment hole to set the correct lenght for the cable going to the rudder. correct

Now reinstall Tail wheel springs, if correct tension, with tail on horse then check if one spring is pulling tailwheel to oneside when in neutral. If so change springs from side to side and or remove a link in the chain.

Check wings the bottom side of each should be the same at the fusaluge and at the inboard rib by the struts. Can use a level with a block taped to it to make the level read level at the fusaluage, then go to the lift strut inboard rib should read the same if not thr rear strut can be adjusted to make it read the same. Now go to the other wing and repeat the steps.

Now move ailerons so the are evenly spaced with the inboard rib bay, should be even to 1/4 in droop on both. Now look at the control stick it should be neutral, if not adjustments in cables need to be made.

Two options do the checks as listed correct as you go with the help of a friend or even better make the checks take notes and then talk to your A&P/AI and work out a plan.

Ok, will stop and wait for someone to post a shorter version.
