SBSJ-16 Battery

Tom Fraser

New member
Has anyone installed the SBSJ-16 Battery in their 7GCBC Aircraft. I want to install this battery in my 1979 7GCBC (on Floats) and would appreciate a copy of a 337 they have used for permission.
Thanks in advance.
That battery is on the TC actually. Only trick is it requires current battery hardware to install. (Aluminum battery box, etc.)
Sorry Jerry, I must be a little thick. I have been unable to find the Info regarding this battery in A759 anywhere. Secondly, I don't under4stand what you mean by "Only trick is it requires current battery hardware to install. (Aluminum battery box, etc.)" Do you mean new hardware or replacement hardware?? Aside from all of this. I have to commend you for your time and effort in monitoring this site and assisting
all owners with most of their queries.
Tom Fraser
Its not in A-759
Its on the same installation print; 4-2024 for 7ECA and 4-1782 for the rest. Per the print it goes in the newer aluminum battery box, but uses 2 wood spacers to make up for its smaller size.
In case anyone is interested, I installed the SBSJ-16 in my 1979 7GCBC Float Plane and it works very well. Lots of juice and I saved a few extra Lbs off my gross weight.