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What is the best way of eliminating play in the main gear scissors? My Crusair has quite a bit of play in them & it has to be effecting tracking of the wheels.

N33GM Ray
Ray, I had my scissors rebushed by a machinist friend. This and new bolts fixed my gear side play. If your bushings are ok try using new NAS close tolerence bolts. This alone my take up the slop. Best way is to rebush your units. I rebuilt all the gear with new springs and seals. Check Russ Williams Web site he has a great article on rebuilding his Cruisemaster gear! LYNN N9818B
Wicks aircraft supply has all the bushings you will need . you can order them in almost any size and length.You should have a calliper and a nice selection of drill bits,then go to work!You can drill new bolts to add the grease fitting then tap the threads.It's really not very complicated.
Thanks for the help. My '47 Cruisair does not have bushings & uses 1/2" bolts. Did later planes use scissors bushings & smaller bolts?
They all use bushing. Look again If they don't someone has removed them and that is why you have play. You can buy bushing locally. They will have to be pressed in and reemed to fit. There are bushing in the top of the gear to. :lol: :lol:
Ray, Randy is right on the money , they all have bushings. Somebody may have removed yours and substituted larger bolts. In any case have the gear rebushed! If you don't want to do it yourself get a machinist or call AAC Bellanca and they can help. LYNN N9818B :roll: