Scott 3200 Springs


New member
Hello All,
I noticed on my recently acquired 7GCAA with Scott 3200 that the
tailwheel steering is pretty sloppy or slugish. I checked and the
springs have some chain on them and it is all slack. There is no
tension on the tail wheel. This means I use brake more than I should
need for turns while taxiing..
Someone told me I have the wrong springs, there should be not chains.
Maybe so, I dunno,

Anyone care to comment on their 3200 set up. Do you have only springs
and no chains. Is there tension
If you have only the springs, do you know the length and the part number?

My 7ECA originally had tension springs with chains that had slack in them and the steering was not very good, lots of pedal input for not much turn while taxiing.
I ordered a set of torsion springs from Aircraft Spruce to replace the regular springs. The original springs were just that, springs. They were just coil springs with hooks on each end. The new springs are double springs which are heavier and slip into each other and have to be taken apart to hook onto the chain. When I installed them, I made the chains just long enough to have no slack.
They were a pain to install, needed to hold the tailwheel in one direction while forcing the horn in the other direction in order to get the attach clip to rotate in the proper direction, but after installation the steering is like night and day. Steering is immediate with pedal input.
The Torsion spring kit was very inexpensive.

Thanks Ron.
That is the same set up I have and I just took a link out of each side to put tension on the tailwheel. Much improved.

Do you have the same number of links on both sides?
I have tried many spring combinations including Maule compression springs. I have found the ones I like best are from American Champion, these do not use chains. I find the easiest way to install them is to remove the leaf spring bolts, hook up the springs then reinstall the leaf springs on the fuselage.
BTW I just received new leaf springs from ACA, best I have seen, reasonable priced and no I do not work for ACA just an atta boy. :D
I'm sorry, I meant to say compression, not torsion. Yes, I do have the same number of links on both sides.

Do you have a 3200 tailwheel?
I would be interested in getting rid of the chains if I could and if ACA sells compression springs that fit them. Certainly prefer to buy from ACA.
Yes I have a Scott 3200, The springs are a larger and longer tension spring that are stock on all new Citabria's. I have tried most that are out there including different springs left and right, compression etc. Any slack in the chains means delay in turning the tailwheel. Ground turning is much better with these longer springs as any movement on the rudder is instantly transfered to the tailwheel.
