

New member
This is probably not the place to ask this but I can't figure out how to contact the bulletin board administrators. Where is the search box? I've looked all over the board index and each forum and can't find it.

I am looking at it in the upper right hand corner of the page.

I think I read in here once before that you need to delete this website from your favorites, and delete the cookies, and then come back to the website and it magically fixes the problem.
I looked this up using the search box:

There is some funny stuff going on - I'm eliminating them one by one. Excellent software but pretty complicated.

Jerry: Try it now after clicking on "Delete all board cookies" below and refreshing your Robert Szego
on Feb 6, 2008, 10:46 amam

Forum: Citabria / Decathlon / Scout Forum
Topic: Search??
Replies: 12
Views: 248

The "Delete all board Cookies" is at the bottom of this page.

HI I have deleted the cookies and refreshed numerous times and I never get a search box on this forum, now on the Aeronca forum I have a search box. Maybe its because I have a Champ and no Citabria :D :) :p Who knows :roll:
No Search button here either....tried it in Firefox 3.0 Beta in Linux, and IE 7 in Winders XP. Hmmm!
I am also looking for the search button. I remember that i use to have one one this page but it is not here anymore......Chris