Service Letter 405 - Front strut attachment to wooden spar..


New member
Yep, I've posted this on Yahoo also, but first to answer gets a free virtual beer on me (or a real one when I next come to the States...)

...a problem has arisen on my 7GCAA (1967 model,
wooden main spar) on its annual.

Summarised, Service letter 405 from ACA states that the front spar
fittings part 2-893 must be replaced with part 2-2232.

If I don't then I cant do aerobatics unless the existing fitting is checked every 250 hrs.

So, I gave ACA a call. They told me that they cannot supply this
part as they only supply them for the metal spar wing. So, I
checked with SafeAir, who stock a beefed up bracket, but as its
number does not correspond with ACA's service letter
recommendations, they say I should get back to ACA for the right
part !!!!

This is SafeAirs comment in full: "I received the service letter
and was able to read it just fine.I am aware that there had been
instances of cracks in the 8kcab strut attach fitting but not the 7
series planes except for the newer American Champion built planes
and they would of course have the aluminum spars. Our STC'd strut attach fitting still incorporates a 2-893 but has doublers installed to prevent any serious incident should the 2-893 fitting fail.

However since this service letter was issued by American Champion they should have the replacement fitting that's recommended to forgo the repeat inspection. I would try them again with the part number. There may have been some miscommunication on there part. "

I admire SafeAir's honesty but this leaves me with a problem. How
can I replace my attachments if no-one can supply the right part?

I've also emailed Univair but I just get a blunt "we dont stock this part" answer from them.
Another point to add where someone may be able to help. The Service letter mentions a diagram but doesn't actually show it.

Therefore we don't actually know if the brackets on mt aircvraft are the new ones or old ones! Has anyone got diagrams or pictures, if the new part looks different to the old, so that we can compare and detrmine what is on mine?

Can anyone advise whether they have had x-rays done with the brackets in place? This would obviously save time & labor as well as the hassle of re-rigging.

e mail me. I may have the dwgs tucked away somewhere. Mine is a 8KCAB (wood spar and keeping it that way) .
eerrrrrmmmm.... can't see your email address Acro (may be me being stupid of course!). Mine is
Many thanks now to ACA & Robert Szego - ACA have issued us a note which indicates S/L 405 is withdrawn.

My engineer is doing dye tests on the existing brackets in situ & hopefully all will be well.
To close this matter, I have the following:

I spoke with A.C.A.'s Chief Engineer today; I was told that he will rescind the Service Letter 405, and he is sending a letter attesting to that. Seems this S.L. was issued in the early days of A.C.A., but they were really concerned about the Decathlon and Scout, something handled in other SLs. The new part 2-2232 was designed but never produced.

Furthermore, he will also issue a note clarifying the fact that Service Letters/Bulletins are advisory in nature, not legally binding. (This has always been accepted in the U.S. for Part 91 ops, but not overseas.) Wonder if the bureaucrats will accept that???

Fly low, fly slow, take the scenic route....


Glad to see this matter is being resolved.

I have a stupid question...what does "in situ" mean? (I'm serious...I really don't know. I hope I'm not alone!)

Clear Skies...
Sorry about that (the "in situ" thing). I possibly used a phrase that we use quite a lot in the UK but it may not be so common in the USA. Latin, you know..... no, I'd not classically educated!!!!

Flew my bird again for the first time since early September. What a joy!!!