Short Pilot


New member
I'm shopping for a Citabria for my wife to learn to fly tailwheel in. She is 5'-0"

We need to start trying on some planes for size but I was wondering where to start. What would be the best and worst case Citabria model/configuration that we should try to sit her into?

Some considerations seem to be:

Toe or heel brakes
Seat cushions
Seat adjustability
ACA rudder pedal extension blocks

Did I miss any? Which ones make the most difference and which ones the least?

We'll be out this weekend at C77 scouting around for airplanes to sit in. If we find a Champ to sit in, will a heel brake Citabria be the same ergonomic layout?

Any other thoughts or suggestions?

Glenn Gordon
I don't have any details, but some models have adjustable front seats. My 1965 7ECA does not, but a friend's 1976 7ECA does.

If she has small feet, toe brakes might be best. Again, my 65 has heel, the 76 has toe. The friend with the 76 uses a seat cushion. He is not especially short, but likes the cushion. I am 6'2" so no need for me. :D

A consideration with adjustable seats and cushions is to watch for interference with full up stick position.

I have a 2001 7GCBC with toe brakes, non adjustable seat and at 5'7" have no problem. I would think at 5' some adjustment or a cushion would be required.
Oregon Aero makes cushions that are expensive but are made of high tech foam that makes them very comfortable and they offer a cut out as an option for stick airplanes.
They are available in different thicknesses and are sold with or without a back.
Here is the link:
